Not hard at all to see from here (I'm not using a phone)! The missing piece is on the bottom. It runs from about midway on the piece of pie and extends toward the back, away from the pointed end.
Not hard at all to see from here (I'm not using a phone)! The missing piece is on the bottom. It runs from about midway on the piece of pie and extends toward the back, away from the pointed end.
The missing crust piece off the first picture drew my eye like a magnet and is pushing my OCD into overdrive! I almost felt relieved by the second picture until I realized that they obviously got tricky and swapped out the imperfect piece for a perfect piece. It's making me crazy!!
Yes. And yeah, I know some folks might think it's inappropriate to even speculate "at a time like this" but it's kind of hard for me to err too far in the deferential direction to people engaged in such stark opportunism.
I cringed. To me it looks painfully like that generic kind of "white people dancing" where there's like 3 moves looking vaguely similar to something they saw in that one video from that one cool song that everybody's been talking about on the interwebs.
In the top clip, he's all "Mommy, Mommy, I'm so sorry for everything" sobbing and whatever, then in a split second with no sobbing at all "Ok, let's do this." If there's ever been any TV interview conducted solely for fame and hopeful-for-fortune more than this one, I can't think of it. The whole thing is lousy.
It'd detract from the fannypack.
Makes perfect sense in this context. Interesting, thank you!
I can see a faint resemblance, but only faint. Little Edie in her heydey was gorgeous, to me, whereas JL only ever was mildly pretty.
It's the best costume for the day.
Pints of ice cream for dessert.
Maybe impulse control issues are in play? Yours, I mean, not your son's. You now keep posting things like "what was I thinking" and seem to (sort of? can't really tell) regret your initial post, so maybe you have a problem with thinking before you act *in general*, including in how you deal with your son. You surely…
I don't know about librarian, but she's an incredible humanitarian, as she demonstrated while begging for a life sentence instead of the death penalty. By way of justification, she explained that if she is allowed to live she will be able to grow her hair out and donate it to Locks of Love for sick children. Girl has…
Long excerpt of Kim's book. It's pretty awesome. Thurston comes off like a selfish and immature baby-man attempting to recapture his youth by doing the cliche thing of middleaged men everywhere and taking up with some chippy. Juicy!
Does anyone have a link to more specific information about what these two customers actually did other than seating themselves without a reservation? I see the owner's comment about them "insulting and berating" staff and he suggests that it wasn't just a one-off comment to a waiter/waitress, like maybe there's all…
Quite welcome and happy viewing!
Maybe there won't be much of one but hey can always write off a bad business.
Yes. It has a weird aftertaste that someone told me is because of the natural sweetener used to make it 'skinny'.
As others have noted, they are on Netflix. Both are awesome, with "Scatter..." having more humor.
Your line "I ordered General Tso chicken because I'm a fat American." snuck up and made me actually laugh. Also it makes me happy to know someone who may be destined to practice law some day, or who already is, has an awesome sense of humor. (You'll probably need it!)