
Nah. Oakland has had more lead than Flint for a long time now, it's just that it's in the paint and in the dust, so they can't avoid it by drinking bottled water (not to defend the shitshow in Flint). Barely anyone knows about it, and those who do don't realize that they can force the city to fix it. So their kids eat

I need a Joelle episode. I need an Al episode. I need a Rashid episode. I think most interesting of all would be a Troy's dad episode, picking up right where we left off, with a lot of flashbacks. Does he know he's an asshole? Does he know he's wrecking his son? What wore him down into this schmuck, or was he always

The first episode is frustrating until you realize that Sam is intentionally an annoying protagonist, because she's a college kid. They're all college kids, therefore nearly all of them are at least slightly unlikeable protagonists (it bounces from point of view between episodes, so everyone is a protag at least

I should've been much more clear. I wouldn't actually enjoy it, it's just the only anime I can think of that's not wildly outlandish and has backstories that can be sketched in fairly easily. It boils down to a journey of increasingly close friends and a vague love triangle, religious oppression in the Meiji era, the

I would enjoy live-action Samurai Champloo, but only if it was done by, I dunno, Edgar Wright?

She's not even wearing nail polish in that picture, and why is that a thing?

No justice, sir.

Or we get Omashu.

Googled it. There's a few people already. Going back to sleep now.

In his defense, he was almost certainly drunk.

I don't think I like this electronic vibe they're going with. I'll follow Berninger's voice anywhere, but this will probably be my least favorite album.

It reminds me strongly of the Schoolhouse Rock font, which is somewhat apt. Either way, ambiguity and nuance seem to be dead at the moment.

Alabama couldn't even keep the 10 Commandments up for a day. It'll be gone quick.

I was at the DMV taking my test when I was 18. My mom and I made polite conversation with the girl in front of me; she mentioned it was her second time. I asked why she'd failed and she grimaced and said "I went the wrong way in the traffic circle."
I wonder how many people didn't have a test that featured a traffic

There's dozens of us! Dozens!

Well, they're both footfaced, but the one on the right is Nickelback and the one on the left is Slipknot.

Also, he named his main character after himself. Luke S. Lucas.

The closest we've got is perhaps Brian Williams, who wasn't a politician and is still a laughingstock on both sides. Chris Matthews and Lawrence O'Donnell were both speechwriters, which isn't a public politician, and neither of them is respected or well-known.

Nah, that'd be crazy.