This is my burner. There are many like it, but this one is mine

adds a comforting hassle

It’s all fun and games until someone calls the cops on the creeper with the beer and then you get arrested and your van gets towed.

Please get rid of Jon Gruden. Please get rid of Jon Gruden. Please get rid of Jon Gruden. Please get rid of Jon Gruden. Please get rid of Jon Gruden. Please get rid of Jon Gruden. Please get rid of Jon Gruden. Please get rid of Jon Gruden. Please get rid of Jon Gruden. Please get rid of Jon Gruden. 

On principle I am against using EMT vehicles to combat terrorism (or any other combat duties). They should be as neutral as Switzerland. They should have picked cop cars for this purpose.

Hot take:

It’s hilarious that they busted her smug, entitled ass right after the press conference. Locomotive Jones has worked with countless illegals over the years (as an equal, not as an employer), and they were all terrified of getting caught and deported. This millennial fool thought she could hold a fucking press

You probably would have foregone school and/or other things if you knew you had to pay the $500. Vargas gambled and assumed she wouldn’t get caught, then waived her illegal status in front of the camera. She is 22. She can face the consequences.

Get more people to vote next time.

Just needs a dead cat in the middle.

I’ll answer a reading comprehension quiz before commenting if the Giz staff has to do a spelling and grammar quiz before posting an article.

Blazing Taek. So woke. Much bae. Savage AF. Slaaaaaaaay Qweeeeeen, Yaaaaaaaaas.

The social safety net needs to be expanded like crazy. If you can afford to own an NFL team, you can pay more taxes every year. Probably 70% of our social and cultural conflicts could be eliminated if people were simply not forced to live on poverty’s razor edge.

And now I’m a Leighton Meester fan.

It’s that place where the 1% live and discuss “speaking truth to power”.

“Something very weird is going on with the skins.”

Not even Jon Gruden?

Good Deadspin is so incredibly good.

You’re missing the most laudable part of Moonlight winning over La La Land: one of the La La producers took NO SHIT WHATSOEVER, snatched that fucking card, and held it to the camera to make GODDAMN SURE that everyone knew Moonlight was supposed to win. Guarantee you that producer is getting an extra ten million in his

They run on a separate backbone fueled purely by hatred and frustration, so they’re stronger than ever!

Of course not, progressivism is all about letting people speak their minds and welcoming a variety of opinions from people of all types with careful consideration and reflection...