Trumpmato Troll

Tune into MSNBC. For some reason unknown to me, they are using a picture of Trump with blue hair. I shit you not.

I wish there were a national referendum on imploding the NCAA. Literally there may not be a more incompetent and/or corrupt organization in America.

The last poll of polls I saw was Clinton +3 which has got to be within the margin of error, and a lot of the polls used were a week or more old. But the bigger issue was that Johnson proved himself to be pretty much an imbecile.

That isn’t even remotely the context of that tweet. If she has a history of tweeting racist things, I’ll give a lot more credence to that interpretation.

Oh for fuck’s sake. This is truly the epitome of looking for something to be offended by. It was Twitter; it was a joke; there is no power whatsoever behind it; Richard Sherman was not offended. Case closed.

Although wasn’t the new school built on the same site (with the exception of the two classrooms where the shootings occurred)? Technically, that’s what happened at Columbine as well; they tore down the library and built an atrium on that site with a new library somewhere else.

Agreed. In all these cases I truly believe that the best thing that they could do is continue to run the venue in the way that it was previously operated (cf. Columbine, Aurora theater, Sandy Hook, and the Bataclan). Bataclan reopens next week for music.

I absolutely would have voted Libertarian this election if Gary Johnson weren’t such an utter imbecile and if CO weren’t a tossup. As a somewhat right-of-center Independent-type person, I’m pretty ok with Hillary all things considered.

Can you prove that hasn’t happened already?

Yes. I would have thought that the Rockies job would have been one of the most desirable to get in the offseason given that their position players are among the best in the league, and their starting pitching is at least average. Their bullpen is a hot mess, but that seems like it would be the easiest thing to shore

Think harder KO.

As I post on the Chip/Jojo threads from time-to-time, check out the first or second episodes of Fixer Upper if they’re ever on. Chip is sedate, almost comatose. Some producer said, “Bro, if you don’t get wacky in a hurry, this thing is going down in flames.” Voila, Chip eating cockroaches in the next episode.

I don’t know what the most “rednecky” part of rural Northern Territory is, but just assume that’s an equivalent to Waco. Do you have fundamentalist Christians in Australia? Throw a good number of those in the mix as well.

You’re right. We should be paying baristas $85,000 per year. As always, the perfect annihilates the good.

Hillary has her own McDougal problem. Probably doesn’t want to bring that one back up.

How cool would it be if you could unlock something like this in Battlefield 1?

While a 529 is great, I’d want my kids to have a little more under the hood so I think I’d splurge on a 535 at least. Or maybe even a 550.

Agreed, although I think that the biggest difference is that the plaintiff’s facts are much much stronger here. I’d suspect that Rolling Stone (and their attorneys) don’t have any legitimate reason to think that this is going to be reversed so will just be using the threat of appeal as a way to reduce the ultimate

I’d be surprised if this ever gets to an appeals court. They may make a few head feints towards an appeal, but they’ll be trying to settle this like a motherfucker. Look, for example, no further than Gawker Media. The Hogan case award was, arguably, much more likely to be overturned on appeal, and Gawkervision