Of course, in court you guys defended your right to publish the sex tape of a 5 year old.
Of course, in court you guys defended your right to publish the sex tape of a 5 year old.
Balk rules really aren’t that complex if you take some time to read the . MLB rule book or watch one of the innumerable Youtube videos on balks. The main balks that are called are pretty easy to understand and remember. It’s the infrequent ones (like the one last night, or throwing to an unoccupied base or dropping…
Living in Denver, all I really have to go by is 2007. But that year the Rockies must have played a couple of daytime playoff games because I remember my kids (K or 1st grade at the time) telling me that their teacher brought a tv into the classroom for a little while to let them watch some of the game. That had a big…
Come on. There really only one Grimes highlight:
As I’ve posted many times before also: over and above the general protection that they provide, the other thing that pads do is slow players down. You know how to make collisions less violent? Slow players down; it being the squared term in 1/2mv^2 and all. There’s a reason that the size of shoulder pads has decreased…
I was on Jepoardy a while ago. After my last game I followed Trebek about 15 feet upstage and said, “Alex, I just wanted to say thank you for a great opportunity and let you know how great the staff was in communicating with me, preparing me for the show and keeping everyone comfortable.” He didn’t say a word and…
I like that cut of your jib. You have no idea what you’re actually talking about so you go on the offense telling people who do know that they’re stupid. How very 2016 of you.
That’s not both. That’s an opt out. Under a player option, if he opts in, then the 49ers are obligated to pay him (although they can always still cut him from the team, but the paychecks keep on coming).
Do elaborate on your theory of why “this should be illegal.” It really doesn’t make sense.
[edited to remove my comment as the Deadspin writer (unsurprisingly) doesn’t actually describe what the actual contract provisions are]
That kind of collapse is a little different after 2 Super Bowls. It’s a whole lot easier to take.
I’m a Cubs fan and trust me, it’s all part of the plan. Last night’s win was supposed to make it feel like destiny, and that will make it even harder when we get swept by the DodgerNats. I’ve already got the supplies lined up for a 12 day flakka bender after the eventual collapse.
I don’t even understand those shirts. Is there some hugely subtle pun that I’m missing?
In his defense, that was the third sacrifice bunt of his career. It was fucking atrocious though.
While I agree, he did probably “clever” us out of a victory in Game 3; so there’s that.
It’s hard to be simultaneously pro-Baez’ dancing-trolling and anti-Law’s dancing-trolling.
Agreed. Just prepare yourself to be ultimately disappointed, then everything else will be gravy.
Contreras’ was pretty weak, and obv Zobrist’s wasn’t.
I’m a Cubs fan, and I like the Giants. I don’t understand hating on them. Posey, Madbum, Cueto—what’s not to like? I do understand hating Hunter Pence’s beard. They should force shave him after that loss.
I’m trying to stay up on all the recently-banned words and phrases. Are you saying that “nickel-plated pimp gun” is now on the banned list?
I’m trying to stay up on all the recently-banned words and phrases. Are you saying that “nickel-plated pimp gun” is…