It’s not that you don’t have to be average intelligence to be a cop, in many places they actually discourage people from being too smart:
It’s not that you don’t have to be average intelligence to be a cop, in many places they actually discourage people from being too smart:
Come on, I hate Trump too, but you know that this shit has zero credibility and you still publish a click-bait headline. Let me see a list of all the spurious lawsuits that have been filed against Uni-Gawker and its writers, and make sure to publish them with credible headlines.
Kidding aside, might it be MRSA. It’s possible that the Jags were trying to keep the lid on it so they didn’t end up looking as bad / getting sued like the Buccaneers?
You sanctimonious twatwaffle. Let me know when you guys add 315 million more citizens who aren’t rich immigrants from Hong Kong or SE Asia. You know what’s just like America—everything in Canada starting a mile east of Vancouver up to a mile west of Toronto (and then again a mile east of Montreal). And even then, how…
Did you not consider the irony of the fact that you’re reporting on what Native Americans should think without having bothered to contact a single one of them to get their opinion? Fucking Hack. Good job using that white voice to take away the voice of the people that this (may) affect.
This is a perfect example of someone with no facts trying their hardest to invalidate a study that seems to disagree with their longtime opinion. I can tell just by your response that you have a) no actual knowledge of how many respondents were (or weren’t) tribally affiliated and b) no idea how many Navajos were…
I’ve got to give this props. We’ve owned quite a few Volvos, and were concerned with the Geely sale, but they’ve absolutely crushed it and are a meaningful step up over the Ford days.
Yes, the demand for affordable units is high. The demand for $20,000 new Teslas would be equally high.
I fucking despise the Clintons on a personal basis. That said, I will ultimately vote for her if the polling in my state is at all competitive. The prospects of a Trump presidency should scare every single American. I still believe (although less each day) that there will be some “wake up” moment in the next two…
Ivanka Riefenstahl. It has a certain ring to it.
Good point.
If you set it for alerts, they have to be swiped away. If you set it for banners, they go away automatically. Maybe you have it set for alerts.
Not gotcha, just encouraging everyone to look at the entirety. Somehow almonds got singled out, when virtually all California produce (and meat) uses huge amounts of water.
Is it far from being ready? The real question is how many crashes per mile under autopilot versus how many crashes per mile when driven by humans. While I agree that it shouldn’t be marketed yet as autopilot, zero deaths is not at all a reasonable point of comparison.
Almond water use is high, but it’s not really that high compared to other California crops.
This is why I’m pro death. Give me all the abortions and all the death penalties*, and keep them coming.
I would guess that’s not correct. They can lose the money that they advanced you if your home sells for less than the combined value of the first mortgage and whatever they paid you initially.
They are trying to suggest it’s equity and not debt. In theory, it might not be a bad source of funds—especially if it allowed you to qualify for a lower LTV rate on your mortgage.
You know when people say “it was the least that I could do”? This is literally the least that Kaepernick could do. He’s totally entitled to do it, but let’s not start comparing him to MLK or John Lewis (comparisons which I have actually read) or the freedom riders. Hell, this is even a far cry from Tommie Smith and…