Trumpmato Troll

If it makes you feel any better, we’re well within the 1%, and we can’t afford a $12,000 sleepaway camp. I also can’t afford a $60,000 new car or a $5,000 bike. Maybe it’s not afford so much as “would never pay that much.” Trust me, you should never pay $12,000 for a sleepover camp.

Why aren’t they free to choose whatever path they want? Little secret, not every person in America has the exact same motivation—even those who may have the same ethnic background. The whole argument for laying off Kaepernick is that he’s free to do what he wants, so are Wilson and Sherman and whoever else.

I was all set until I saw a recent article that said that the 1980s were coming back into fashion. Now I’m not so sure about who to vote for...

That “stat” makes no sense whatsover. The “stat” is dependent on the successful completion of the two point attempt. That seems to factor in the probability of going for two into the equation. Obviously it’s more difficult to get the two than kick the one, but the significance is related to what happens after a

Great, you made the easiest possible comment to get some stars. Congratulations on making a free throw. Hell, it wasn’t even a free throw. It was a 4 inch putt.

Reply (in all sports) is basically a joke. Why would fair or foul not be a reviewable call? Isn’t home run reviewable to the extent that it’s a fair ball home run or a foul ball?

I didn’t want to make a mountain out of a molehill.

Correct. There is no right in America to express your opinion free of consequences so long as it isn’t a governmental entity who is punishing you. For example, Colin Kaepernick’s protest is fundamentally no different from Curt Schilling’s posting of stupid/hateful memes. I’m sure you aren’t opposed to the fact that

Worth pointing out for the 10^23rd time that this isn’t really a First Amendment issue, although it’s not improbable that Tortorella was on the short list for Trump VP candidates, which might have made it a good con law case study.

Why wouldn’t I (or other parents) use the car to “chauffeur” the kids. Isn’t that the entire point?

I see you’re majoring in Skip Bayless studies with a concentration in Hot Takery. This is some senior thesis level shit.

Nope. Actually the first way to increase safety is to mandate more pads. I don’t know how old you are or how much football you watch, but take a look at shoulder pads in any video before about 1995. They’re enormous. I played receiver in college, and my shoulder pads then were literally bigger than what an offensive

Stop with your facts and rules. This is a facts-free environment. We decide what “feels” like it happened, and then we shout down and personally attack anyone who contradicts our story.

You mean as opposed to the huge number of “New Yorkers” who are so insecure about their roots in Bergen or Long Island or Peoria that they have to tell you within the first 10 seconds how important they are because they live in the “greatest city in the world” even though they live in a 3rd floor studio walkup and

Jesus. The guy made a mistake. Let it go.

the Cubs and the A’s opted out for reasons I’m sure you’ll provide down in the comments.

Loved “The Dog Stars.” This year I also read “The Painter” by Heller which is kind of a fun book (and actually written with regular narration, sentences and punctuation). It’s kind of a cross between “A River Runs Through It,” “Pollack,” and “Justified.”

Is your point that you think that it was written to be optioned as a movie? While I don’t necessarily disagree that it is “movie-like” in its construction, that’s also the way that Bacigalupi often writes. I’ve read quite a few of his other works (they’re all pretty decent, and he even writes some kids/teens books

I have been a Cubs fan my whole life. There is absolutely, positively no way that they aren’t going to fuck this up. It’s written in stone.

Actually, Kentucky Fried Zucchini might be pretty good also.