Awake Canadian

Probably sent by a mob of angry leftists.

Maybe fix your own diversity problems before whining about others

The ONLY reason she was fired was because she supported Trump..period.

I always love the commentary here at The Root it’s always so unrelentingly stupid. More stupid more stupid even than the articles.

More details have come out about this saying the antifa assaulted one of the proud boys first, knocking his hat off and shoving him. Defending yourself from assault is not a crime.

Supposedly the Antifa people attempted to jump a proud boy who they thought was alone, attempted to steal his backpack and hat, the right wing people then came around the corner or out the building, its not clear, and mobbed them. Supposedly the people beaten were also the ones arrested for the attempted robbery,

Always the victim Michael. Even you, as a black man that has refined the art of descriptive writing in college and the ability to manipulate what people say is still playing the woe is the black people card. Also, that is epic, the pussy-grabbing racist whom you refer to as our democraticly elected president. You mean

Another example of the “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” race relations dilemma we have in the United States. The Root is so fucking toxic.

It is if they are loading pirated games and then selling it. 

They caved”, I think you meanThey saved”, they just saved Microsoft from being a total waste of a console this generation. Sony has had CrossPlay since the beginning, shows how uneducated most casual gamers are.

All you uneducated casual gamers saying they “caved” is hilarious,when Microsoft wouldn’t do it last generation all you people were ok with that and had no outrage. It is a terrible business move for Sony, they pretty much just saved Xbox from being a failed platform by giving them its user base. Sony didn’t need any u

First LMAO, Trump is actually doing better on deportation, not to mention the first year people were afraid to cross into America. Also when Trump deports people he is a racist somehow.... Second, remember when Obama said get used to having a low GDP, I think he forgot he was the person that was suppose to change that.

And there it is, wanting to hunt and murder someone over a twitter post. Yea you seem like a liberal to me, what a lovely double standard the left has. You are disgusting and vile person.

How is Ben Shapiro a fascist? How is he a racist? I thought attacking people for different opinions and trying to silence debate was fascism?

You have gone full Alex Jones with this.

I dunno. Which one is the baboon. Both look alike to me. 

Whiny babies whining about fake problems have to open their god-awful stank mouth again to alter other peoples art.

Oof, never can understand why people are so sensetive about the smallest things.
Just do whatever in your game, no one should care its just a bloody game.
If you can’t handle it, just don’t buy it?
If it comes as a suprise and you got so triggered, then refund the game. 

In what way could it have been taken in a positive light. This game is all about prisoners doing horrible things to escape/survive an island. What kind of people do you want to see there, people who committed bank fraud?

Jesus, people. Before i am going to say anything, i am not a nazi supporter and dislike them and their ideology the same way as you guys do, but damn its just two numbers. Yeah fair enough they represent what was mentioned, but if people dont like it, then just ignore it. People choose to get offended and start having