Awake Canadian

“... Who is gonna pay their therapy so they feel comfortable going to a game competition again?”

“we have NOTHING in place to help victims of trauma”, actually we do, it’s called “insurance”. 

“2,500 people, 80 percent of whom are male.”

Welcome back to the real world :-)

Diamond and Silk and Candace Owens; black female conservatives who have been censored on Social Media. Oh, lets just ignore actual black female conservatives. 

I deleted my Twitter two weeks ago and deactivated my Facebook account just this morning.

Part of me really wants to see these “All cops should be fired!” people get their wish and all police either retired or disappeared and see how wonderful their life would be when they get robbed or mugged because there’s no one around to arrest criminals.

Are they really? I thought they were the people that kept general public order selflessly, go into situations you would run from, and save people from horrible assault and terror.

Why do you need a GoFundMe (cash grab) if there is surveillance video from the store proving her story?, as her husband claims. And if she was recording with her phone where is that video?. Is there body cam footage?. This whole story seems full of lies.

We’ve got plenty of other titles to play. We don’t need a ‘strategy card’ game. PS4 has sold twice as many units as XBox One. Why would Sony want to introduce cross-play when it would be more of a benefit for Microsoft and Nintendo? Right now Sony can advertise both the best first party games and the largest install

He wasn’t a pedophile and other than loving someone of legal consent age that we all find icky (myself included) he was decidedly one of the good guys.

Walker wasn’t driving the car when he died, you tool.

Relevant: Age of consent map (lots of caveats by state so check the link)

Why are black people constantly segregating themselves all while screaming racism at everything??. Could you imagine the outrage if there was a WherdCon (White Nerd) and the kind of backlash that would bring, this Blerdcon is pretty sickening in general. The race baiting on all these sites are gross.

I am sure a whites only cosplay event would go over great! /s  This shit is racist, period.

David, you try so hard to sound smart and clever, but in reality you only crapped out a long-winded, substance-less rant that could have been written in a few paragraphs.

You read The Root don’t you?

your car is a deadly weapon, the driver had just used it to hit another car, I am 100% okay with the police officer drawing his weapon on the driver of the car.

Really?!....we have to resort to violence? Sad. This is why the black community is f’ed up. 6% of the population commits 50% of the murders, most of the victims being black

You a comedian? because “they are scared shitless of her” is pretty hilarious. It seems you are all so blind as to what they are doing, they want her to run to guarantee that they win. Socialism does not work in the western world friends. How is Venezuela doing these days anyway? you might want to take a trip there.