Awake Canadian

These same artists who turn down performing the Super Bowl because Colin doesn’t play (even though it was his decision to be released from his contract, he is also a pretty bad QB), are the same one’s who are silent when it comes to black on black crime everywhere, are always screaming to #Free(insert name) even though

Colin was a terrible QB, hence why he is no longer in the NFL. People should have been kneeling in protest of black on black violence instead which is way more of an issue, but lets not talk about that right.

Typical liberal mindset, wanting to ruin someone’s life over somebody getting their feelings hurt. The real world is going to eat you people alive.

The fact you had to call it a “black website” is just proving that guys point, why do black people need to add “Black” to everything and keep segregating themselves? that seems like a broken culture to me. Imagine if someone called this a white website, how fast do you think the words racists” and “nazis” would be

He crushed this??...Trump Derangement Syndrome is in full swing around here. The fact that his media coverage has been over 90% negative, all the while Trump is breaking records across the board, that should tell you something.
Democrats don’t care about your country, they literally have nothing to run on other than

Umm that girl couldn’t be heard clearly at all, stop the race baiting. God I hate this dam liberal bubble blog.

It will work out just fine, because sane people don’t care about what this racist blogger Michael here at The Root has to say. The guy is a black supremacist, look at all his articles he is a joke. Stop worrying about what other people do, live your own dam life and stop trying to control other people.

PS2 had crossplay friend. And you are part of the problem with gamers today. Outrage and SJW about a topic you know nothing about.

Yup, now the empty Xbox servers will be able have players on it. Sony made such a bad business choice today.

Yea only go back 2.5 years because if you go back any further, say into last gen, Microsoft starts looking A LOT like Sony huh. Ya know, when they refused to allow crossplay to Sony. But lets not talk about that....You dont have much of a grasp on the subject matter.

They caved”, I think you meanThey saved”, they just saved Microsoft from being a total waste of a console this generation. Sony has had CrossPlay since the beginning, shows how uneducated most casual gamers are.

Which is completely moronic, seeing how they completely dominate the market currently and pretty much just saved Xbox from total failure.

All you uneducated casual gamers saying they “caved” is hilarious,when Microsoft wouldn’t do it last generation all you people were ok with that and had no outrage. It is a terrible business move for Sony, they pretty much just saved Xbox from being a failed platform by giving them its user base. Sony didn’t need any u

First LMAO, Trump is actually doing better on deportation, not to mention the first year people were afraid to cross into America. Also when Trump deports people he is a racist somehow.... Second, remember when Obama said get used to having a low GDP, I think he forgot he was the person that was suppose to change that.

Roczniak’s video output is certainly unique both in the Skylines YouTube community and on YouTube in general. The platform has a notable contingency of right-wing content producers

AHAHA. Wow what a crock of B.S. Youtube/Google is the most liberal left thing on the internet. But please, keep pushing this Socialist

And there it is, wanting to hunt and murder someone over a twitter post. Yea you seem like a liberal to me, what a lovely double standard the left has. You are disgusting and vile person.

African American’s looting is a historical and statistical fact actually, I know it may be hard for you to believe in reality. His protest was all about virtue signaling, while his career was falling apart. Did anyone in the NFL kneel or even mention for that matter, any of the THOUSANDS of black on black violence in

Spoken like a person who has NO understanding of what law enforcement deals with every day. Not knowing if someone has a gun, or a knife, or friends helping who also have weapons. But keep on virtue signaling little SJW.

Why do you need a GoFundMe (cash grab) if there is surveillance video from the store proving her story?, as her husband claims. And if she was recording with her phone where is that video?. Is there body cam footage?. This whole story seems full of lies.

Why are black people constantly segregating themselves all while screaming racism at everything??. Could you imagine the outrage if there was a WherdCon (White Nerd) and the kind of backlash that would bring, this Blerdcon is pretty sickening in general. The race baiting on all these sites are gross.