Awake Canadian

That sounds a lot like what the DNC & Hillary Clinton did with all those phones she told her staff to take hammers too, and emails to delete, and DNC servers not to hand over to the FBI. All while under investigation mind you. Do people not remember these things???

Edit: sorry replied to wrong person.

You a comedian? because “they are scared shitless of her” is pretty hilarious. It seems you are all so blind as to what they are doing, they want her to run to guarantee that they win. Socialism does not work in the western world friends. How is Venezuela doing these days anyway? you might want to take a trip there.

The problem is the new generation of politically correct gamers, who are spoiled, must have everything for nothing, and have this “gimme gimme gimme” attitude.

Sorry you are wrong, PS3 outsold Xbox even with its full year headstart. Im not sure where you’re getting your numbers from, but a simple google search shows articles on it. Sony has came out on top every generation it has entered in. You bringing up how many more PS3's over PS2's, or X360's over Xbox's has zero merit

“She was asked to leave because she is a willing participant in the traumatization, dehumanization, and victimization of black and brown people, including children, seeking asylum in the United States.”

No melee combat when boarding a ship is a total failure, instead they make boarding a QTE. They had a great opportunity to make the best pitate game, but now its just Battleships.

BLM blocking roads or highways and rioting is VASTLY different from an organized event with permits, that is the difference. If black on black violence like in Chicago daily doesnt matter to BLM, why should a shooting of a criminal?.

You know the Black Panther movie has serious problems when the concept art can tell the story better then the film that got released. Cultural bias has ruined this movie. Marvel/Disney got paid, but at the cost of showing them how naive the general public is.

Maybe the person who hit the statue watched the movie and actually paid attention to the story and realized how terrible it was. All cultural B.S. aside, this movie is riddled with plot holes and inaccuracies, all of which are overlooked due to its bias of being“cultural”.

Almost thought Kinja Network’s daily race bait article wasn’t going to happen, way to go. Worst writer’s on the planet.
10 is funny though “Black people can fight”. Not in my findings, that’s why most are carrying.

I hope all gaming gets removed from making YouTube revenue, its a cancer to the world these channels/streamers. The low amount they get now is more then fitting for sitting on your ass and doing f##k all with your life. Gaming is not a job, gaming is not a sport, gaming IS entertainment, gaming IS a hobby.

He was vacationing at “HIS Mar-a-Lago RESORT” he owns it, I doubt he has to pay. They are complaining about how much it costs to pay the secret service and things. Real question, why didn’t you people complain when Obama did it all the dam time?, he even brought other family and friends with him that you had to pay

Black people kill more black people then any police officer or other race. Commit more crimes than any other race. So maybe do some dam research for yourself. Tired of uninformed morons preaching about something they know nothing about.

Black “journalist” defending a black criminal, didn’t see that coming. Looking through your other articles, 90% are race baiting garbage. Do me a favor, write a article on black crime rates and black on black crime. No?, didn’t think so.

Wow terrible analogy, in no way shape or form will gaming be comparitive to sports. Ever. No matter how hard e-sports tries. You are comparing a past time hobby, that children can do. To a physically demanding professional athlete, with skills that dont come around to often.

Just another money grabber, who is piggy backing on a story of someone dying while streaming. This is common in the streamer communities, use somone else for your gain. Notice his stream promotion, which he does for 5 hours still.

All you have to do is drop the leftist agenda’s famous 4 buzz words to get Recommended on Kinja. The brainwashing is going nicely on you. The amount of hypocrisy in your comment is over the top by the way.

Now playing

Article had nothing to do with Trump, but you clowns still don’t get it. I guess you don’t get to watch real news, but you leftists are horribly delusional. I will leave this here for you.

Most Americans around Kinja are left SJW types that don’t understand any part of government or laws for that matter. Like you tools wanted Hillary in office, remember that. Why wasn’t anybody hating Trump before he ran for president? Hmmmmm. MSM slander is real.