Awake Canadian

Kinja is so filled with entitled social justice warriors it sickens me. Get over it, you lost.

Oh please mekki, try harder. Trump has been the MOST negatively talked about candidate in the history of politics and still crushed Clinton. And you have the nerve to talk about echo chamber??? SERIOUSLY. Try to find one positive comment about Trump during the election on this site, or its network of sites. Dam

“Clinton didn’t do anything illegal”
*pause for breath*

Grasping at every straw, you people are pathetic. The guy isn’t even in office yet and has done more than Obama has.

I see you tried super hard to get that one. But skipped over this easier to find juicy nugget?????

Uh oh....another brain dead media slave I need to educate. Here is a FACT CHECK for you to drool over.

And of coarse in all of these stories its always just “the white” this “the white” that. Because APPARENTLY only white people can be racist according to mainstream media. All the black “protesters” beating up white people and stealing their car for voting Trump, that’s perfectly OK.

You know he didn’t do that right?. I bet you never watched the rally like most uninformed people, and just follow along with with the TV tells you.

Here a quick google search brings up this site that has a great detailed breakdown of it all.


And still you miss the whole point, It doesn’t matter what game company it is that’s doing it. Here I will bold it, IT SEPARATES THE PLAYER BASE FOR A LIMITED TIME FOR NO REASON, get it yet?. It doesn’t matter what your playing it on, what is the purpose of it? its only purpose is to troll people. I can see if the

That was the plan to have someone else do it, (so Hillary’s criminal backers can donate) but people are to stupid to see that. The reality is, Americans DID vote for Trumps America. And the sooner you accept it the better.

Here is why Popular vote doesn’t mean a dam thing. Its simple echo chamber politics (stopping

Another useless attempt by another clam in the pocket of the Clinton’s. You see by having Jill Stein do this Hillary can save face, instead she can throw Stein under the guillotine. This plan probably got carried out on whatever new “private email server” Hillary and her cronies are using now. Because you know,

All the markets are going up, but this site will only post Trump hate propaganda. Since the news of it being President Elect Trump and not the other, everything is going perfect in the economy. People are cutting their ties as fast as they can with the Clinton crime family (except Jill Stein it seems).

There is a downside, you missed the whole point. It alienates 1 side of the player base all because the developer wanted to fill their pockets instead. They are already payed off the Pre Orders, the DLC’s, the Season Passes from the consumer.

This only shows how immature your bullshit staff has ALWAYS been, and whats worse is you have a following of even more immature morons. I cannot wait for President Trump to shut the mouths of all you people.

And as a game journalist, you should be repeatedly telling these moronic game companies to cut the sh*t out as it benefits nobody.

That has happened already with the past 4 American Presidents...try again.

You might want to read the article again.

“our source told us” - Deadspin Editor

Those 4 words makes the article a fraudulent piece, if you believe this article I feel bad for you and your country.

Wow you are one unintelligent person, keep grasping at straws of Trump not getting into office cry baby democrat. The guy isn’t even in office yet and this crap shoot website claims it has “sources” that told them he isn’t prepared, what a dam joke. Are you American’s so pathetic that you cannot see how badly the last