Awake Canadian

Where’s all the images of Biden groping the young girls? oh here’s a couple.

“It means you don’t accept racism and bigotry”
Do you know what Bigotry means? Here,

Please tell us what its about then? Enlighten us, if you know what its about.

Or are you another person who just posts without thinking, like the editors of Deadspin.

“non-victory victory” ?????????????

You people are morons. I’m not even American and I know how your voting system works, apparently better than you do. The reason behind the electoral college, is to stop the echo chamber effect that spreads your opinion to someone else, and so on, and so on. Plus I wonder how many of

Tell my why he is bad? I really want to know the level of brain scramble the media has done to you.

Pathetic article from a pathetic person. Grow the hell up, and accept what the right has been accepting of for a long time.

Those “friendly protesters”(funded by Soros’ who are now “rioters” are small, small minded morons like the rest of the commenters around here. This crap shoot network refuses to report facts or anything that is happening, instead you just attack Donald Trump. That tactic didn’t work in the primary’s, and

This post makes me so angry. He is a 45+ years businessman before a tv celebrity, and his 1 tv show was a YUGE success by the way.

In his line of business I bet he knows more about laws and regulations in more parts of America and the World, then most people in US government. Your statement is just wrong in every way.

Your a bigot.

For all you moronic leftists who claim President Elect Donald Trump’s a bigot, this is being posted on you.

Your a bigot.

For all you moronic leftists who claim President Elect Donald Trump’s a bigot, this is being posted on you.

Your a bigot.

For all you moronic leftists who claim President Elect Donald Trump’s a bigot, this is being posted on you.

And this is the problem with you and most of the people posting around this network, that Facebook post makes you a bigot. You surround yourself with only people from one side, one train of thought, pushing one agenda, and it creates a echo chamber that you are afraid to leave.

Political agoraphobia isn’t healthy, you

Yes please don’t move to Canada, we don’t need cry baby social justice warriors with zero attention spans.

“It can be hard to put your finger on exactly what you fear most about the rise of Donald Trump: the racism? The sexism? The xenophobia?”

Again with the same 3 buzz words that were taken out of context from sound

Hillary Clinton supported NAFTA
Hillary Clinton supported Obama Care (How is that working out for you?)
Hillary Clinton supports TPP

This crap shoot of networks are sure in damage control trying to spread more hate and racism to start more riots. Kinja - Home of the Whiny Social Justice Warrior

Are you seriously that brain washed?. You think Trump was the “bad guy”?. Hillary is a CRIMINAL, with a RAPIST for a husband those are all FACTS WITH PROOF. Wake the hell up.

This won’t get up voted here but it should. This place is a cesspool of whiny social justice warriors, who have the attention spam of 5 minutes. That is why they only listen to sound bites or read headlines then rush into action.

“Donald Trump has been a vocal advocate of sexual assault, Islamophobia, xenophobia, and violent racism.”

First off, Donald Trump has been NONE OF THOSE THINGS, Hillary was more of those then Trump ever was. Your lies aren’t working anymore Jezebel, time to do some actual journalism before your site goes bye bye.

How will they get victimized exactly? instead of a tip toeing around it explain what you mean.

First of all, I’m not doing all your research for you. It won’t take you long to find something. Quickly (Whitewater, Asia Fundraising. Travelgate, Waco)

Now that her payed for friends in the DOJ (Lynch) and FBI are running scared now that Trump is in, she won’t be getting off on Benghazi or her email’s anymore.
