
what the hell is Sony channel and what do they play on it

Lose, not Loose.


This was a great episode, Christ man

You have missed out on a lot of great episodes. Yes there's been a quality dip but they still knock a few out of the park more often than people give it credit for.

All the more reason to watch it

The description for the new Argento film makes me wanna see it badly

this wasn't present in the version i saw. the couch gag was similar, but only the simpsons family were present, and went behind the velvet rope.. there were no other "animation domination" characters.

should i be mad about this

Seems like Marty McFly is missing here

Killer Mike has surprised me consistently. So awesome.

Not gonna scroll down because I'm expecting a barrage of people saying the show isn't as good as it used to after casually admitting that they haven't seen an episode in years.

the look on fred arminen's face throughout the sketch is amazing

Julie Burchill doesn't sound like a fun person to be around.

Can't believe I used to find him annoying. He surprises me all the time, he's a smart guy.

That would have happened in the hands of a competent director.

That would have happened in the hands of a competent director.

The fact that you are unfamiliar or inept with how to play video games is not the fault if the video game.

The fact that you are unfamiliar or inept with how to play video games is not the fault if the video game.

Spoiler, his character dies in the game it's based on so the fact that he lives through this movie for the purpose of a heavily hinted sequel is heartbreaking and disrespectful to the source material.