
Spoiler, his character dies in the game it's based on so the fact that he lives through this movie for the purpose of a heavily hinted sequel is heartbreaking and disrespectful to the source material.

Too faithful in the wrong way, and not faithful enough with all the important bits from the source material. Geez Louise. Someone get the previous film's French director on board next time. Sidenote: 3D needs to die.

Too faithful in the wrong way, and not faithful enough with all the important bits from the source material. Geez Louise. Someone get the previous film's French director on board next time. Sidenote: 3D needs to die.

Simpsons in its prime was defined by episodes that were densely packed with jokes and blink and you'll miss gags. This episode follows that tradition.

If you want zombie entertainment with no character development, those resident evil movies are available to watch any time.