I have 5 different account, but they all forward to my Outlook.com account and I can reply from there [and then there are aliases...]
I have 5 different account, but they all forward to my Outlook.com account and I can reply from there [and then there are aliases...]
I am currently renting but have told my landlord that I'm not planning on renewing the lease. She has put the house on the market and is scheduling visits while we are still living in her house. How common is this? Do we have to allow every single viewing or do we have any way of declining? (FYI There was nothing in…
The problem with me is finding a 38L, my arms are longer and I can never find a good suit that fits me well because of the sleeves. I'm hoping my next suit is a custom suit for me.
#corrections: 3rd paragraph "Installation is as easy as installing a couple of [hoses vs houses]"
A bunch of forms for legal paperwork and also my wife prints coupons
Ha - so true!
FYI: You can use Alt+UpKey to move to one folder level above; very useful for quick keyboard navigation
vote: interfacelift
It depends
Seems like they should be able to do that, but from some reading I've done it seems that Samsung didn't notify microsoft about the change until the 1st update, so ultimately it was Samsung's fault...right now since it's in the testing stages, the Mango update is ready for the 1.4, now it's in the hands of att
The Samsung v.1.4 has a different flash memory chips which require different firmware. It is quite unfortunate 1.4 users have to wait so much longer!
#corrections they not all in testing, the Venue Pro is still in planning phase so that will probably take the longest; just want to make sure that Venue Pro users are aware
I am now a user of WP 7.5 and I'm loving it, Microsoft and Nokia have a golden opportunity and I hope they take full advantage of it!
#corrections: hygiene [tag]
VOTE: Google Reader
I got mine after 2 intermediate updates. The update is great, but does anybody have any suggestions for apps to install that showcase the extra live tile functionality?
I just got the update on my Samsung Focus....are there any apps that your recommend that take advantages of the new features?
What's the best way to ease into running. I find myself trying and running for about a week and then giving up, it just doesn't seem to be enjoyable for me....any tips? Also, do you find it better to run with somebody else or by yuorself?
"Joshua Topolsky! I know it is significantly /*smaller*/ than the original, but, I am genuinely flummoxed," #corrections