Aviva Rosenthal

When I read romance novels, it's almost exclusively historical ones because they're basically like fantasy novels. So far removed from my reality. That's what makes it enjoyable. I always get bored or upset by modern romances. I don't know why.

Shut up and take my money.

by Ari Schwartz

In Regency romances, the drawing rooms are littered with dukes, when in actuality they were, and are, quite rare. Billionaires are modern-day dukes.

Here is the deal though. You are missing a very large third party in the conversation between the studio execs, and the stars rates. The Agents.

I have long wondered if the DoD did one of those "1/5 of the days pursue other things" programs Tech companies utilize. Imagine of the untold billions of dollars in Defense assets could be focused elsewhere 1 week out of every 5 just to hit some of our other problems.

To me it felt like it had been much longer and was cut down in a crazy way, and ended up teetering sideways like a shack on stilts. Like, I was surprised at how ... structurally unsound... it was. I felt the same way about Inherent Vice, which I really wanted to like and started out great.

"I run a business. People want to work for less money, I'll pay them less money. I don't call them up and go, 'Can I give you some more?' Because that's not what you do when you run a business."

Similar story. Different man. Recent break up and the only reason he didn't trash the apt is I broke up with him in public and literally ran to my car, leaving him stranded in another city at least 30 mins away from our apt. Police were called and as my name alone was on the lease, he had to go. I had enough time to

"I feel him tug on my shameful string, pulling my unmentionables out of my down there. 'Twenty-three skidoo,' I whisper blissfully."

Again, I can't actually recommend it. Vaginas can contain pathogenic bacteria and you can't ever be certain they won't overrun the good ones if you culture vaginal secretions. I ended up fine but you really are rolling the dice unless you know exactly what's in your vagina.

That's a good question! I do get the sense that it's the vagina part that really sent people over the top here. Though people seem to be grossed out by breastmilk too.

and all of the science-y stuff just went waaaaay over everyone's head, because ew.

People are really grossed out by this. Like...what do you think happens to vaginal secretion during cunnilingus? It evaporates? I'm not saying we should all go out and start a vagina juice diet fad or anything but...it's not that gross. It's not poop-level gross.

Having grown up in Ireland with an English mother and an American father and possessing an accent that is a combination of the three, I wholeheartedly accept this.

Sara... Your drawing style is remarkable.

What's the big deal?