Aviva Rosenthal

Huh, funnily enough, I have a close friend who is mixed race Chinese and white, and his last night is Wright. He definitely plays up the Wright/Right puns, while maintaining something of a connection to his Asian heritage. Should people of Scot/Anglo origin be concerned?

If this is Wong, I don’t wanna be Wright. (Frank Lloyd, that is.)

That is a woman who has never had a fire lit under her by pure, unadulterated hate. Some of my most effective times have been driven by the Fuck You fuel.

“She quickly cut back that I shouldn’t respond to hate w/ hate, unless I wish to become the very thing I want to defeat.”

The black dude tho! 😂😂

“you’re right. We won World War II by hugging the Axis Powers.”

Case in point: I’m in the office break room decompressing while CNN drones on in the background. A co-worker comes in and we talk a bit about the hurricane and whatnot - we both have family in the Houston area. CNN cuts to Trump telling the Gov. of TX something to the effect of “After this is all said and done, we

Uvula. I mean, I’m assuming.

While cleaning my bedroom as a kid, I used to imagine Jerry Orbach and Chris Noth on Law & Order looking around my room and cracking one-liners while they looked for clues to my murder. It was more fun and less morbid than it sounds.

This diagram would be significantly more helpful if it told people where the clit and g-spot are.

C’mon, really? The headline makes one think they can’t tell their asshole from a hole in the ground but the reality is they can’t tell their radius from their ulna. Is that REALLY a big deal?

As a long standing huge fan of the vulva, I’m glad to see it getting some credit, at last. Obviously, without the vagina, life would be meaningless and cold. Well there’s still the colon, I guess, but the anus is an introvert, and it’s unfair to ask it to take on vulvaic responsibilities, unless it self identifies as

That’s how you get a guinea pig with really strong views on immigration.

Nope, because it takes about 24 hours for the semen to have a significant amount of actual sperm in it again (after the first ejaculation it’s basically just seminal fluid until the testes can finish making more sperm). 24-36 hours between tries is basically the sweet spot because by 48 hours the quality of the sperm

While we’re asking potentially *dumb* conception questions, I’m also confused about the idea that you’re not less less likely to get pregnant if you immediately evacuate the jizzies out. I KNOW this is not any type of sound bc method, but I mean you chances of getting prego have to go down if there is less sperm in

The Daily Mail has an additional purpose to being micturated upon by house pets: namely, getting “The Queen Is Dead” running through my head every time I see a reference to it.

It means no weiners for the rest of your days
It’s our penis-free philosophy
Vagina dentata

I don’t know. “It means no worries for the rest of your days” seems like it’d very much be a matter of perspective.

What’s the medical term for the skin between vagina and anus?