Aviva Rosenthal

See also: I am reading a book because I want to read this book, not because I am killing time until a man comes to talk to me.

So very symbolic of the Republican Party. There’s scientific evidence that, for a number of reasons, women tend to feel the cold worse than men and need a higher ambient temperature to be comfortable. He’s “frugal,” so he turns the thermostat to a temperature at which he feels comfortable...and his wife feels cold.

Holy shit- it’s hippie Rory Gilmore!

ah, punch, I feel you. For me, it’s been the Nate Parker bullshit that really dragged me this week. But also, Jez has always been such a community of buddies but right now, every article is plagued with disgusting trolls and any benign comment I make is lashed back with hateful misogyny. When these already-depressing

These are all thoughtful takes, thank you! I pretty much agree with all of you, if you’re able to sequester the hate and engage with purely the content you enjoy, it’s a positive experience. That’s how I use Instagram personally, and it’s been fun for me. But man, I can’t imagine being a “content creator” and having

You don’t really have to say his name, though. Like all trolls he lives for attention, everyone knows who led the attack on Leslie Jones but it’s more fun if you don’t give him the credit he craves.

Same. It physically affected me, I was and still am upset. Plus with all the other nonsense going on in the world this week, I didn’t even want to get out of bed in the morning.

These guys have so much money to throw at these little elections and the sad thing is, this is where they have the most effect and let them have total control. What's more important? The presidency or a majority of governorships, the house, the senate, state senates, state reps, and county boards? The dems have

I remember when being made fun of in school for being fat (it was the 70s) my parents would say “Just ignore them and they’ll give up because what they want is a reaction.” Is it possible that’s a better way to handle these internet trolls? There was an article a few days ago where Amy Schumer was simply blocking

Absolutely, this. My heart broke for her yesterday, and I really hope she’s being surrounded by love right now. And knows how many of us LOVED her in Ghostbusters, and want nothing more than to show up at her door in a matching USA unitard and a gallon of Ben and Jerry’s.

It’s so fucking pathetic, it’s disgusting. These assholes are threatened by her—and they truly are threatened, because she is more talented, successful or important than they will ever be—simply because of her existence as a black woman. As a funny black woman. As a funny black woman who is a good human being. Their

I think Lainey at LaineyGossip nailed it

I really just want to know that Leslie is okay. :( Or, if “okay” is not possible right now, that she’s surrounded by the support she deserves. Not that I’m owed any insight to her life, but I’ve been so sad and disheartened about these horrible attacks against her and I so very badly want her to be given all the love

Serious question: Is twitter a net-positive or net-negative invention at this point? As someone who has largely avoided the platform, I don’t feel like I’m missing anything. Sure you get the occasional good meme or clever hashtag, but it seems like the last thing we as society needed to do was make it easier for crazy

I got so physically angry, disturbed and sad yesterday thinking about this that I actually had to get off the internet and walk around outside for a bit to calm down. I was so disgusted it was hard to breathe. For someone who is so positive and has been nothing but a beacon of light, whose job as a comedian is literall

Every time she’s mentioned in a headline, there’s a moment where I question “what’s the Zephyr Teachout?” and then it clicks that ZT is a person, not a group of educators on strike.

At first I thought this was about a teacher’s strike in a town/County named ‘Zephyr.’

Zephyr Teachout has the best name that has ever existed. It took me a while and some research, back when I first heard of her, to believe it was her actual, real name.

Where do I even start with the Faso ad: Faso's "oh silly spendthrift wives" schtick or his wife's winky wink implication she's still going to blow up the budget?

Teachout, a widely-respected Progressive voice in NY, who — with very little infrastructure last I checked — got 35% of a statewide vote against a relatively-popular incumbent Democratic governor... she should crush her challenger, regardless of much shadow-folk spend on her challenger...