Aviva Rosenthal

I can tell you from experience that this is definitely a thing. I was a very unhealthy overweight adolescent. I went vegetarian in high school becuase I wanted to be healthier and I always felt wierd about eating animals. I started to loose weight and felt better. After a few years I wanted to try going vegan it felt

Pretty sure The Thorn Birds and Judy Blume's Forever taught me about sex and lust and love and all that jazz.

High-five for foot drop and nerve damage! MS (at least in my case) is a bitch.

That's devastating :( her Masters of Rome series are my absolute favorite of all time and I've been anxious to reread them. Everything I know about Rome is thanks to her, i went to Rome knowing more about it than my friends (and teaching them a few things!) I made a point to see the Forum even though it was deathly

Girl I love Father Ralph and enjoyed that book immensely but I just had a lot of trouble with the earliest parts of the book when she is five and her parents don't pay her any attention but Father Ralph does and they have this "special closeness."

I fucking love Father Ralph. Take back everything bad you said about him.

My heart goes out to you. For years I took it for granted that I could just slip on a pair of boat shoes, without socks, and head out to run errands. Not that I've got foot drop in my right leg and nerve damage in both, preparing to leave the house is like armoring up for battle.

One Leg At a Time

I have a mantra when I get dressed in the morning; it starts when I pick up my socks: "May this be the hardest part

"a shambolic downstairs"

$50 for this? Step over a steam vent like Marilyn.

I've got this awesome hippie Wiccan facebook friend, and she posted a link to an article about vaginal steaming the other day, and no lie, Facebook's top "suggested link" underneath my friend's post was a link to a food.com recipe for steamed clams.

My favourite thing about the Americans is that a Welsh bloke can play a Russian playing an American playing loads of different Americans. Such is the power of acting and wigs.

no but the amazon description calls it "a russian thornbirds" so obviously I'm ordering it RIGHT NOW

Who ya gonna call?


Ok but what if you invite someone over and they turn out to be A FREAK or just really terrible and then they can't leave? THIS SEEMS LIKE A HUGE RISK, GUYS.

The moment at which you start screaming and hurling swears at an employee is the moment at which you deserve absolutely no sympathy or understanding whatsoever.

Yaaaas. That's exactly what I was picturing in my head! She should illustrate the fajita people, too.

I'm just going to share this story from last Saturday. A good money-making night- the restaurant is packed, we're trying to turn over tables. Of course half of them are fucking campers. So when another 8 top of 40 something year olds roll in, I'm begging my manager to give them to me. Bright eyed and with an imaginary

I feel like that crazy Coffee Latte story needs to be a Hyperbole and a Half blog post, it needs Allie's glorious illustrations to depict that woman's rage.