Aviva Rosenthal

I'm jealous of the women who got to dye their hair crazy colors in high school; my mom would never let me. As an adult I've also never dyed my hair (except short-lived front highlights) because I'm worried about fucking it up. Also, I'm very lazy & don't want to have to keep doing it.


I feel like everyone who ever went to Fantastic Sams has had their hair absolutely butchered at least once. My dad took my sister and I once (also in the CO suburbs) and it was like they glued their scissors to their feet and cut our hair that way. My mom was so pissed. My dad offered to take us back to have them fix

That sounds suspiciously like a poodle permed mullet. I feel for you.

I was reading this aloud to my wife and I got to the part about Fantastic Sam's, and my wife just gasped. Then she shouted out, "Winner!" I hadn't even gotten to the bit about how it only straightened in the middle. I'm from Canada, eh, so I don't know why the words 'afro' and 'Fantastic Sam's' in the same story

I was just over 5 feet tall.

My favorite hair story: my mom's best friend's kid was about three. One day her mother enters a room to find her scissors in hand with her hair lying in heaps on the floor. She freaks out and asks her, "Honey, why did you cut all your hair off with those scissors?!" And she replies, "Because I didn't have a sword!"

I have naturally curly thick hair. When I was in middle school I begged my mom to let me have it chemically straightened because I so desperately hated my hair at the time. (When you have an afro as a child in the suburbs of Colorado, you learn all about how kids are mean as hell)

Wellllll...kid Taylor Swift

I'll bet you 100 billion kagillion dollars that your friend rocked that skunk look so much better than I did

OMFG. I can't believe I forgot this one - when I was like, 15, I started shaving my pubes into shapes. Like hearts and stars. I used to outline the shape with eyeliner before I got into the shower to make sure I got it right. I wasn't even sexually active, just really ambitious with my little baby bush.

I'm part North African, and Berber women tattoo their chins to show tribal affinity among other reasons. I have had to physically restrain myself from getting a like tattoo. One day. One day.

My mother decided that nothing would be prettier than a semi permanent bright red rinse in my ginger hair. So she walked in and squirted it on me WHILE I WAS IN THE SHOWER.

I don't buy it, Madeleine. Every "woman of a certain age" (which is what we are, now, sorry to tell you) had a bowl cut as a kid. Not worthy. Go make yourself ugly so we can have a different story.

My grandma is a BAMF. For instance, she has tattooed on brows and liner...so her brows are always on fleek ;).

When I ws 15, I read in YM that a teaspoon of olive oil is a good conditioner. I thought, "well if a teaspoon is good, a cup (yes, really) will make it GREAT". I tried to rinse it with....more conditioner, and it made it worse (DUH). I took Irish Springs soap and lathered half the bar into my head....still oily. By

I am just imagining you as sort of an amazing tribute to David Bowie in the Ziggy Stardust years.

this one time i allowed my little cousins to just go ham on my legs with nailpolish, not really thinking about it

THIS IS THE BEST NEWS!! so excited for this sideblog.

You buried the lede Jia! So I put slices of raw eggplant with jarred tomato sauce and mozzarella!