Aviva Rosenthal

oh honey I have so watched that like five times already hahaha. I feel some shame over the fact I have a major Jamie Dornan crush brought on by his role as a creepy serial killer - but that clip made me feel much better. Glad you shared it though!

Now playing

The fact that you agree on his charisma makes me think you'll appreciate this, so I'll post it here in the hopes it'll get seen: Jamie Dornan's funny walk - The Graham Norton Sho…:

Agreed, but I can't hate on it. I loved it so much while it was on. David Duchovny, that horn dog, can still do no wrong in my book (yes I watched every ep of Californication as well). And Gillian has only gotten more beautiful and seemingly more intelligent as the decades have passed.

How does she keep getting more beautiful as she ages? It baffles.

One thing I also really love about the show is how it subtly comments on how people don't suspect Spector/Dornan, simply because he's so attractive. That scene in the first episode of the 2nd season when the woman flirting with him responds to his question of "does this (police drawing of him, the Belfast strangler)

You will regret it. Every time I watch one of these shows with impeccably dressed lead actresses (House of Cards, Scandal etc), I get the white silk blouse bug. Then I buy some silk blouses and proceed to ruin them, one wine glass at a time.

So does Law & Order: SVU. The Fall is significantly better.

Obviously, Anderson's Stella is simply incredible. My second favorite actress on the show? Olivia. Girl is adorable and a straight up talented actress. I love her accent too..."Daddy!..."

Thank you for posting this. I've been singing the praises of The Fall since it first aired on Netflix a year and a half ago. Mostly by posting Stella Gibson gifs. ***Spoiler-ish in comment below***

Scary thing is David Chase based Livia Soprano on his own mother . . .

Stop it. Set boundaries. You do NOT have to accept it because you are the oldest, most settled, or any other bullshit. When he turns up, tell him firmly he cant't stay, you are sorry. Then stick to it.

Thanks... If anything, I always have some wacky and entertaining Dad Stories!

Sometimes a correspondent, like "Her Son," has hung on to a thread of a relationship, but is now fearful of being further yoked emotionally or financially to a declining parent.

I have found that the only people I can really talk to about my cutting my dad out of my life are other people with very dysfunctional family members. Whether or not they have cut off contact doesn't matter- they totally understand that it's heart-wrenching and a decision made fore self-preservation.

Agree! My mom is definitely a "you and your sibling are my wooooorld!!!" type of parent and like to ask just how much we're going to take care of her in her old age. This is particularly stressful to me since my mother and I have very different personalities and while I love her, I cannot stand to be around her very

This is who I pictured when I read the article.

Denying things that actually happened is called gaslighting, in case you didn't know, and pretty serious emotional abuse in my opinion.

I actually read the article before i saw this one because my sister (15 years older than i and i'm 48 i think) is going through the exact same situation the woman describes. and as a fairly objective outside observer, it's just what she's saying; there was no abuse, and no discernible reason, and when she or i ask

I've cut my father out of my life.