Aviva Rosenthal

Jesus Murphy, NY is not the center of the damn universe. It has its charms but is not the most captivating place on earth. Can we sing about other cities now? Seattle is beautiful. Fucking amazing donuts. Woodstock, Vermont is another gorgeous place with a great restaurant in a converted mill. NY is like your

"I divide my officers into four groups. There are clever, diligent, stupid, and lazy officers. Usually two characteristics are combined. Some are clever and diligent — their place is the General Staff. The next lot are stupid and lazy — they make up 90 percent of every army and are suited to routine duties. Anyone who

I wish I lived in the area. I'd totally take the day off work for Dongmageddon.

Can I get it on a cashmere sweater?

I would put my hand on his shoulder and say "You don't understand what you just said and neither do I."


do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers

dang so sorry it hurts

This was one of the most intelligently written reviews/critiques of anything I've ever encountered on this site, and I hope we can look forward to more.

I swear to God I would never do this, but I'd WANT to invite a whole bunch of people over to watch it just to see if he'd do it.

I think the quote is actually a little ironic, in that she says "I can do what I want to, I can do what I don't want to." Pretty sure she meant "I can _not_ things I don't want to," but her actual quote is probably more accurate.

And, with porn, everything is on my terms. I can say no whenever I want to. I can do what I want to, I can do what I don't want to. I'm in control..

What kind of mangled dicks have you seen that remotely resemble croissants and lobster tails?

I am almost weeping reading this. Sometimes I am up to here with the "love yourself" rhetoric because Western culture is severely lacking in a dedication to community, but the advice in Polly's column is solid gold.

I met Prudie last fall. We were talking about rape on Al Jazeera, shortly after I called her an asshole.

There's something about Katy Perry's tweet that just hit me a bit in the heart.

I'm just so very glad that we are talking about this problem. That we are being vocal about how it's not right and that we should not have to put up with it.
I was walking home yesterday from the market and some asshole did the "You'd look prettier with a smile" thing to me and I told him he'd be prettier if he just

This is an excellent point to bring up. Thank you.