Aviva Rosenthal

You have to be pretty wilfully blind to not see the hate women developers get when they DO make their own games. You can't just tell them to go make their own games without acknowledging that the shit follows them wherever they go. It's almost like it's not what they are saying - but that it's women saying it.

Remember those Fashion Plate cards where you could combine various tops with various bottoms at random? I think that's who designed Lena's dress.

Ooh, I would totally observe them participating in a sex study.

1. Presumably crone digits? I don't even know.

Wait, I'm bald...my hair is negative pasta? Anti pasta?

exactly. I could never have babbies with someone who said elbow macaroni.

Thank you for writing this. I had a terrible experience with the first type of hormonal BC I tried, then a bad-but-not-terrible experience with the Nuva Ring, and I thought for a long time that I would never find hormonal BC that wouldn't give me unreasonable side effects. I tried one more kind of pill and wow, here I

I'm with you. I tried all the contraceptive options and each was more disastrous than the others.

Not arguing against these findings, but 13 countries all in Western Europe, don't paint a good enough picture for me, I wish they could do the study with all EU nations.

Researchers from Vienna discover one easy trick to develop women's cognitive abilities! Misogynists hate them!

As someone who has years of experience in this specific field (yes, israel-palestine peace process) I can say that it is extremely nuanced and complex and 99% of the people who are talking about it, famous or no, are really confused about some aspect of it.

Well, Heracles also held up the heavens when he wanted the golden apples from Hera's garden. Atlas tried to trick him but Heracles ain't no punk and tricked the trickster with the age old, "Hey, hold this for a sec" before bolting.

Me too

One last thought, on why I think I was so conflicted at the end of this experiment:

Just trying to stick with the theme. No need to get all Facebook balls on me.

Yes, by MAILING it.

I just really like pretty cakes.

So, wait. How long should I freeze the numbers?

Now playing

I have not yet watch this episode, but I wanted to say what an AWESOME recap title that is.

I once brought a Yu-Gi-Oh binder t0 my 4th grade Gifted and Talented class and was mocked severely. That's when I knew acceptance would be a hard-fought battle. Know why? Not because I liked Yu-Gi-Oh so much. It was alright. I just distinctly thought the binder would up my social status amongst that group. It's failed