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    So the best. You mean I can have cereal first thing in the morning and not have to run to the bathroom directly after?!? Sweet. (Any one else have the issue where milk just bothers your stomach in the morning? When empty I suppose?)

    The fact that no one else could use my tablet setup at my last job was pretty great! : )

    I know off topic- but a pen/tablet situation makes my carpal tunnel more bearable. Though I'm sure you've tried other things too! Just a thought for ya.

    This is how I tell people we are most likely having only one. We got the high intensity crazy child for number one. We can barely hold it all together with just him. Another kid? Would probably end in divorce. I've had to say that to people to get them to back off a few times (like to my cousin) and it's the only

    I love emailing with my mom. She does send a lot of articles though. To be fair, so do I i suppose.

    burt's bees by day, vaseline by night! I swear by it. I'm currently away for work and forgot my vaseline and I'm super grumpy about it. No chapstick during the day really helps unless I'm militant about the vaseline at night. Issues. ha.

    burt's bees by day, vaseline by night! I swear by it. I'm currently away for work and forgot my vaseline and I'm

    Burt's bee's...but only the non-peppermint kinds. The peppermint kind irritates me like crazy. The 'replenishing' one is my current go-to.

    Burt's bee's...but only the non-peppermint kinds. The peppermint kind irritates me like crazy. The 'replenishing'

    it took me almost 15 years. Finally getting into it and considering trying to do it full time. For years though I was so burned out...and I felt horribly guilty about it. Makes you real creative.

    I just hope it has Paw Patrol. My kid is obsessed and they are really good about taking those down off youtube...darn it.

    I don't mind if it's friends/family that say,'hey mom' jokingly. It bothered me when one of the heads of the company I work for came over and said that to me. REALLY bothered me. I had to explain to my husband why it bothered me so much- which bothered me even more.

    It's so creepy, but I can't read it without crying either. Like horrible sobbing tears. Ugh. I've never read the whole thing to my little guy.

    The bear fight scene is in the netflix version that my kid is watching on repeat lately! And the scene where the cat is jumps (is thrown) off a cliff into the ocean. I did a double take when I saw it the first time.

    'Part of the problem is also the system itself. As a bartender, Laura is liable if she "overserves" a customer, and if they're too drunk, she legally has to be responsible for cutting them off. While that law, a common one in America, sounds reasonable, in practice it leads to situations where a smaller woman like

    YAY! Now I don't have to order the dvd's in order to watch along with my new favorite podcast,"Return to Stars Hollow" (which has Cordia from "The Buffy Rewatch" which was the BEST podcast) That just made my life much much easier! I love the show so far, I never watched while it was on air either. Very smart, some of

    I really should buy his stuff bigger. I did do that for a while when he was little, cuff the pants and threw a few stitches in and then let them down when he got bigger. I'll have to look into the old navy coupons and whatnot, I don't think I'm on that list, so thanks for the tip!

    I so agree. I can't even rationalize buying the slightly more expensive stuff, Oshkosh/Cherokee, when Target brand is always 25% cheaper and they only get a season out of it anyway! If I knew for sure I was having another kid and it was going to be a boy, then maybe I'd spend the money. But I just can't spend 25% more

    I think the hardest part of the whole 'relative with a mental illness' thing for me has been coming to the realization that I can't change/fix the situation and can only change how I deal with it. Talk about hard to learn. I don't know that I have totally yet. Best of luck with your situation, it can just be so

    Oy, he sounds like my brother! So much fun isn't it? We are currently thinking he might have borderline personality disorder too though. But he'll never go see anyone because he's perfect so. ::shrug:: what can you do? Thankfully my parents finally stopped financially supporting him though, that infuriated me. I feel

    what comics are you reading now? Love all the recs from your podcast so far! (luna bros. etc)

    I think potty training is a whole separate insane issue. I totally don't think that one thing works for all kids...as much as some people like to say it does. We waited for our kid, he was just over 3, and it was the best thing for him in particular. He was able to finally 'get' it with no trauma and it was over in