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    So I need to keep polish on my nails to stop. So what polish is the best for staying power? If I have to re-polish every other day I won't do it! And I don't have a dishwasher...so I think that's what usually makes it flake more? Help!

    whoa. Those are flattering on about 1% of the world's population I'm sure. I've never seen those before!

    This is why I made my work get antibacterial wipes for our bathroom. To clean the seat for the one woman out of the 6 of us who sprays the seat continuously. So gross. Clean up after yourself you grown ass woman. Geez.

    Husband and I chat about #2, but our son is just SO MUCH. He's very very intense. Both of us shudder to think what if we had another just like him? That never slept through the night until 20 months, or has a drop of sugar and has a meltdown that you hear through three counties? I'm tired just thinking about it. Plus,

    It's this. This is why I love him. Good lord, the snarl.

    Ugh, I can't go in those places ever. I once worked at a place that sold oils, essential oils and herbs. MY GOD. I used to smell for hours after work. I never figured out why it didn't trigger migraines though...maybe because I was younger? Who knows.

    I was just reading about the Autoimmune Protocol for Paleo yesterday, that was a new discovery for me. I have psoriasis which is apparently autoimmune, and my Mom has Reynaud's...maybe I'll have to give it a shot! Maybe if the no coffee thing is temporary it will be easier to take. I'm currently suspicious of my daily

    The perfume thing is such a bummer. I love perfume, but EVERY time I'm like, 'well, maybe I was imagining it' and put some on...Boom...migraine 15 min later. Darn it. Even my husband's yummy cologne I bought him will give me a headache if we're in the car together for too long.

    I'm so happy for you that Paleo fixed it! Yay! I just started Paleo with my husband like a week ago. I'm soooooo hoping it fixes my heartburn issues. I thought it was my gallbladder, but one surgery later...nope. If Paleo doesn't work then it's probably my coffee, and that will break my heart. I've given up everything

    Sounds familiar! It's why I like eating along honestly...family dinners are awesome but I love to read my book darn it. Not enough hours in the day as it is for reading.

    Eating and reading is one of life's most amazing pleasures.

    I wish my husband would use his. He has it. Says it's too uncomfortable. ugh. And I could see the difference when he wore it every night too. So frustrating.

    And it's so ridiculous...what is 6 or 12 weeks in the whole of your career? A drop in the bucket...who really cares if someone is out for that time? It mystifies me sometimes. I was lucky that I was able to take 12 unpaid weeks for my son's birth (which they quickly lowered to 6 weeks a year after I took it)...and

    That is a great way of explaining the ridiculous behavior. Mind if I steal that when someone starts complaining at xmas? "inclusion and thoughtfulness is increasing..." why does that make you so angry?

    Oh god me too. I wore this insanely unattractive brace thing for it...like a compression thong. It was the only way I could walk around/stand without being in tears. The immense pressure was just such an insane feeling.

    It's the weirdest feeling! I remember calling my ob the day after and trying to explain that it felt like my stomach was being stretched top to bottom and it was so uncomfortable. He told me to take antacids. ha. I think it was the re-arranging. So bizarre.

    Ugh, the worst is sitting there for ever and your whole vagina area just aching. Like, why does it hurt to stand and do dishes the first day or two of my period? I hate that. Almost feels like the pelvis bone separating thing I had during pregnancy, that was just pure awfulness. oof.

    Yeah, I'm a 28DD, but end up in a 30D for ease of shopping. I still have ladies trying to sell me on 34b's. I'm like, I can lift that band over my head when it's on the tightest hook....how is that supportive??? I never thought I'd like a tighter band, but I got used to it and it makes my boobs look great!

    Seriously. This subreddit changed my life! GO NOW! : )

    Awesome, thanks for the tip!