
Zero Dark Thirty, directed by Kathryn Bigelow, is amazing.

The Heat is a really funny buddy comedy with no romance (or maybe a tiny bit).

On Friday, my kid's school announced that one of the teachers had just gotten a Fullbright. Are they all announced on the same day or staggered?

I've met people through Meetup.com groups. I go hiking a couple times a month through a Meetup group. I do the same hike and it's mostly a group of regulars, with a few newcomers thrown in. I also do a monthly book club through Meetup. I've become close friends with one woman in my book club because we carpool to the

Perfect female Peter Pan: Kristin Chenoweth.

The comments to the Above the Law (a site for lawyers) post about the card are almost as appalling as the card. This one got 20 thumbs up and two thumbs down: "Jesus, Joe. Lighten the fuck up, ya pansy. This is a pretty entertaining card, and only a moron like you would take it seriously. Too bad you're not the one in

Retouched for American Rifleman magazine.

Retouched for Ebony Magazine.

Psst, Ciara! Don't let your baby anywhere near Jenny's unvaccinated son.

For edification, here's another earth-shattering example of white privilege. Oh, wait.

My kid's private school in Southern CA does that. It started its program three years ago. There are some advantages such as less to carry, no hiding in class behind a laptop, video tutorials at the press of a button, and ease of class projects of Powerpoint presentations and movies. My kid has been able to hold on to

Too lazy to find the source, but I recently read that many terrorists are recruited because they have mental health issues and are impoverished. The pitch is: You were thinking of killing yourself anyway because you have nothing much to live for. Why not go out with some glory by taking some Americans with you.

According to the excellent book Columbine, Klebold and Harris had good parents and were in the upper middle class. They had friends in school and weren't bullied. One of them was depressed and the other was a psychopath.

Me at typical dinner with my teen sons: So what was the best part of your day?

After ruling out kidney disease, tumors, or lead or mercury poisoning, as a last resort consider menstruation.

Summary of the article: The writer's friend was going to give the writer's boyfriend a blowjob in exchange for alcohol, but the boyfriend couldn't get it up. The End.

The actual article is much more clear, and shorter I think, than this thing. Not that either one is well written.

You say the emerald dress is "nothing to write home about," I say it's stunning.

Guess which woman uses Botox? Lots and lots of Botox.