
"feeling rather presdiential"

I just Googled KlearGear and almost all the top results are about this case. Karma.

I have a sweet tooth, so my snack may be frozen yogurt with M&Ms or a candy bar or a cupcake. The point is to have one junky thing I crave so that I can eat healthy the rest of the day without feeling deprived. My meals aren't always healthy, but if I'm going to have pizza or fried chicken or mac and cheese, I eat

I used to diet and then feel so deprived I binged. Diet. Binge. Diet. Binge. Etc. I felt so out of control. I started eating three small-ish healthy meals a day plus one really junky snack. I didn't feel deprived and I slowly lost 20 pounds, which I've kept off for 20 years by eating mostly healthy with a daily

Oprah is on my shitlist for not putting Jenny Babykiller McCarthy on her shitlist.

I wouldn't lose my job, and any friends I'd lose I wouldn't have wanted to be friends with in the first place. I feel my work product, my ability to meet deadlines, and my people skills are a million times more important than my looks. I'm not recommending that women stop showering or washing their hair, but for many

I'm an attorney whose makeup routine is about 2 minutes long, consisting of applying rouge, eyeliner, mascara, and chapstick. I have straight hair that I usually just comb and air dry. I wear flats. I've never had a problem getting or keeping a job.

I don't think it's sexist. Having someone (male or female) crying in front of you may make you sad for them or maybe make you laugh if they're crying about something trivial. You can tun away and ignore someone's tears. Having someone (male or female) scream at you is frightening or at least very irritating. You can

I also imagine conservative women are more likely than liberals to change their names when they marry. So ha!

Also related: Steubenville's principal got a haircut and the victim's mother was caught jaywalking!

Yes, please!

First off, I don't know your circumstances, but getting marriage counseling when we were contemplating divorce helped my husband and me enormously and I'm glad we stuck it out.

Irvine is about 55% Caucasian, which is a smaller percentage than in CA as a whole or the U.S. as a whole. Here's the 2010 census chart. I agree it's kind of boring, but it's also racially diverse and not far from the ocean and canyons. There are a lot of immigrants from Asia (China, Korea, India, etc.) who move to

At least Irvine is somewhat diverse racially. I bet there are as many Asians as there are Caucasians living there.

Don Brzi or Donald Trump?

I wish it were so, as I HATE Jenny McCarthy, but this Oct. 9th article says The View's ratings have declined only slightly since the babykiller came on board.

Yes, I bet if they asked the subjects how attractive they felt, the ones who'd thought about ugly actions they'd carried out would feel subjectively uglier.

I've read The Corrections and thought the prose was good but every character was horrible. I hate Franzen for his essays, such as this recent one in which he attacks Jennifer Weiner in a passive-aggressive way, says that writers shouldn't promote on social media (ignoring the fact that he doesn't have to because the

I really liked Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. But after I read it, I read that his sister accused him of misrepresenting how much he had to do with raising their little brother. The book glossed over the fact that she was also living in Berkeley (as a law student there) and taking care of their brother. She