Avery Jane Spencer

Funny how the type of dudes worried about dating chicks with daddy issues are never the types to worry about giving their daughter daddy issues.

Oh it’s talked about, but it’s just painted in the form of a book or movie about a dude’s fucked-up relationship with his father and how he goes on a deep, spiritual journey in order to reconcile the emotional trauma it caused him because like you said, we’re supposed to believe that men are strong and us ladies are

It’s funny because no one ever talks about how men have daddy issues and there’s lots of them. But of course we’re supposed to believe that men can overcome anything and women are fragile messes if they don’t have a strong male figure in their life.

Yep, and it’s such a throwaway for any time a woman dares to lay down expectations for a man. As in, since we are in a relationship, when I text you, I expect a response within a reasonable timeframe. Asshole guy’s response: geez, back up with your clingy shit—what, do you have daddy issues?!?

My ex husband is similar. Less drunk, but chock full of anger and resentment towards myself and our daughter. He even wants a chance at adopting his grand daughter, because “he didn’t have a chance to bring her up (my daughter) with morals and principles, and he wants a chance to show what sort of child he could

Saying a woman or girl has “daddy issues” is fucking wretched. If she has daddy issues, shouldn’t the hate be directed at, you know, her god damned father? How is his disgusting and damaging fuckery her fault?

It was fun in his 20s when he’d go on late night talk show dressed like shit, but he’s old now and it’s just pathetic and immature. It just reeks of insecurity and a passive aggressive play for attention and special treatment.

1) it’s gross to me because first of all while physical attractiveness is a monetary asset in movies its an audition, and she’s a known actress whose cup size is readily available online. BUT mainly because it’s so lame in the first place. Would a known established hetero male actor ever have to come to an audition

He knows that most people just want the same thing they’ve had before. He doesn’t have to give them anything other than fart jokes, gay jokes, mild racism, hot chicks, and a story about parenting where a dumb asshole learns to be a person. The end.

I saw the previews for that movie where he played mixed-sex fraternal twins and I was like, it's official. He's fucking with us.

i genuinely enjoy that Adam Sandler is never pictured in anything but sweatpants. His levels of “not giving a shit” are off the fucking charts.

Oh I hear that.

“You move a lot better than most cripples I’ve seen with your condition. Good on you for toughin’ it out and not gettin’ a wheelchair. You should be proud of how strong you are.”


I agree with what you’re saying, but the difference in your case is that your partner is like that with everyone (not just you), and it sounds like he is uncomfortable with being on the receiving end of splurging on tokens of affection, planning events, etc.

What I’m talking about is people who behave differently with

Of course it’s a reflection of how they feel.

If they know (because they have been told) that their partner/mom/friends values those gestures and they still don’t get done, IS is a reflection of their feelings that they refuse to do them.

And besides, such people have no problem accepting and enjoying the largesse and

I feel recently men are more hesitant to be romantic. Often times, women find romantic gestures to be creepy. Flowers, chocolates, poetry, letters or a serenade, a guy doing that kind of stuff is seen as creepy. Men don’t really try anymore.

It’s not bad to want it. But the fact that you’re not getting it just means that the guys aren’t into you as much as you are into them.

The fact that you’re the one who ALWAYS puts nice romantic things together speaks volumes about how one-sided your relationships are. You don’t need a stupid magazine or a class in

Check your organic privilege.

Seriously. If you’re going to lead a double life, make sure you get along with your family.