Avery Jane Spencer

Holy shit that is the dumbest argument.

I have GT privs, and I've been bitching about this since I joined the workforce.

I was working at a charity when the recession hit. Of course the first thing people slash in their personal finances is charities so donations were down.

Just once, when I hear, "We know you can do better," I'd like to say, "I know you can pay better."

This is going to sound a bit psychotic but bear with me.

So being rude is somehow better. GOOD TO KNOW! ;)

Oh i did feel 100% as did my friends who suffered broken engagements. We all felt 100%. It's more there idea that you never know if the other person is going to wake up and say, "screw this." Which i got to witness firsthand.

This is going to sound completely whack-a-doodle, but I couldn't do the save-the-date thing. I admire couples who do, but...it was so risky.

Every time I talk about it I feel like he sets back the proposal until I forget that he's supposed to propose.

The irony of this quote, if I remembered it correctly, is that the guy wasn't going to do the laundry if it wasn't "Lean In" laundry. When he picks up the basket, he asks, "Is this Lean In laundry? If so, then I'm down. If not, then no..."

The best comment on that came from a GTer whose name slipped my mind: You're literally worshiping and trying to save the very things that are trying to kill me.

This was basically my college boyfriend when I got the flu. Except instead of poking me with a broom, he just called to see if I needed anything and when I did, he said he couldn't do it.

Do you respond to him? I assume he only does that because he wants something.

Good God no.

I feel like this experience is from a sitcom...like The League or It's Always Sunny. This should be an episode dammit!!

I was MoH at a Mormon wedding so I knew the dress was going to be really conservative and maybe frumpy. Boy was I right. These were homemade dresses that looked like something I could have done in 8th grade Home Ec. Holy crap. All this family friend did was follow a basic pattern. Fine. Great. But she didn't

My dad asks me that "What are you going to do with your life?" question every time I see ihm, and every time I answer, I say, "I plan to prostitute myself on the Vegas strip, and use the profits to buy heroin. Every girl's dream."

OH MY GOD! You have to tell us the rest! Like how did it do it? Guiliani style??

I worked in a catering service for a few years so I've been to a zillion weddings. The number one crowd killer when it comes to toasts? Inside jokes. I've never understood peppering a 20 minute speech (and yes some did go on for that long) with a bunch of references and zingers to things only 1% of the audience