
I have to agree with Squirrel that Dreamworks has has some really decent flicks. This is anal-retentive, but Ralph here is from Disney Animation, Cars 2 was PIXAR (both owned by Disney, but separate studios — Cars 2 was PIXAR's only flop ever, and hopefully its last).

I think the closest I come to a "destructive" habit is wanting to finish every book, even if I'm not totally invested. However, I CAN call it quits if I have to. There are under 10 books that I've started and never finished, and two of those I plan on finishing some day ('The Witching Hour' [stopped because it's over

HA! That's awesome! I'd love to see pictures!

If I drank vodka, I would totally try that! That sounds awesome!

Well thank you! Good luck with your party! Who will you be dressing as??

I think I might have a "problem."

That's one that I haven't put too much time into considering. I figured you could use two stems of white asparagus in each one, for a start (legs sticking out). Besides that, you could really put anything inside. Red stuff would be best, obviously.

AAAAH I wish I had time to type out all the food ideas I've come up with! I'm having a premier party too, and I'm focusing on food (rather than costumes). I'm even doing TB Bingo. I plan on sending all this crap to Meredith in case she wants it.

I had no intention of watching that whole thing, but I just couldn't stop. LOVE IT!

Frankly, I love this idea and I wish it existed here in the States. There's no such thing as manners or common courtesy anymore, and in a world where about half the population is jabbering away on a cellphone while they attempt to park their bigger-than-my-first-apartment SUVs, there are a LOT of people parked like

As unlikely as it may seem, as a designer, I'm excited about the idea of another 330+ Pantone colors. There have been plenty of times that I haven't been able to get the right shade of a color. Also, if you're paying for Pantone ink to paint a room, you've got enough money to hire someone to make your decisions for

I wouldn't say we're MORALLY superior, just GENERALLY superior.

I didn't think of this before, but I really hope Daft Punk's "Discovery" is somewhere nice and high on this list.

LOL, it's a distinct possibility I would've lost. Not to brag, but I'm pretty f-in good at that game though. I'd have put up a damn good fight.

The dreams I remember are always really weird, but aren't often stressful or confrontational. In the past two weeks, I had two that were based around current sci-fi/fantasy somehow.

Other than absorbing all of your free time and leaving you without the ability to string together whole sentences without miming a drawing of whatever gibberish happens to be coming out of your mouth, it's totally safe.

Thanks for the insight! I get waaaaaay more than 12 slices out of one loaf from my bread maker (probably closer to 24 — the loaves are enormous), so I'll just go ahead and assume it's not worse than the commercial stuff at least haha.

Me too! We are a far superior little group, especially us girlies.

In all seriousness, I wonder if their study compared home-made bread to what you would buy from a commercial bakery. I clicked through to the link and didn't see any mention of what types of bread they studied. I make my own, and a whole loaf only calls for like a teaspoon of salt. Anyone know?

Male mosquitos in PA look a lot like that, and they do get friggin' enormous. I'd take 10 of them over any one of the tiny blood-sucking females that seem to think of me as some sort of a delicacy buffet.