
You were correct to feel that way…

"Why don't you cruci-fuckin'-fy a guy" IMMEDIATELY went into my argument catch phrase roster.

Brendan: They had a pool. They had a gym.

I was a bit Home Movie obsessed for a long while. I'd evangelize for HJB to anyone who would listen, now the world knows the funniest disembodied voice in the world.

I have no idea how anyone thought that Perry was a good casting choice… on any level.

"Empowering" isn't a magic word you can use to counter any feminist argument, particularly if you don't know what it means.

The internet is now greenlighting movies at Fox, and doing a great job of it…

Luke, That's Good
Owen, That's Bad
Andrew, That's Future Man. Always Future Man…

No, but just about everything else in that sketch was horrifically accurate.

Can I throw in one from life: Kissing a woman's hand you just met (or, lets face it, AT ALL).

The Love Boat / Fantasy Island block was a staple of my youth.

And that's why you win at life my friend.

"Amy, you're an embarrassment to Sony! Here, take Spiderman to Marvel, now get out of my sight!"

Don't forget about the TV series… I love you Robert Hays, but you are no The Dude.

I always hated that he wasted on of those magic sphere things on a MAP. And a boring and basic map of the continental US and not gold or an hidden alien city.

Waited for the second part from last time but:

I got kinda obsessed. After Rushmore I had a real bad British Invasion problem…

I know you hear this all the time, but…

No, the Sarah McLachlan.

Exactly - there's such an earnest beauty to it, it evokes complicated emotions and never the same way, but never in a needy or cloying way.