
I guess a little clarity helps.

Save the production costs and just have the Quint speech on a loop.

The Kinks are always shuffled down to the B-tier when people think of the British Invasion, but holy hell their music is… I don't know - PROPULSIVE.

Hype and well meaning intentions can get people to notice your work - what has kept Ms. Marvel at the front of a comics revolution is the quality of the stories, the vibrant art, and the absolute likeability of the character.

Providence Plantations!
The Republic of Texas!
Colorado Territory!

Depends on what you want to do that day - that's why open worlds are great. Sometime you just want to get to the mission you keep getting killed at, sometimes you literally want to watch the grass grow.

Well, its the one part that can be pinned down to a simple yes or no on an aesthetic choice.

Wait, He's not?!

I've had sex at least a DOZEN times, and it never looked like THAT. I'm doing it wrong…

Part of me hopes the new Ghostbusters will use optical effects to film and composite the ghosts, with maybe a little cgi clean up, as well as hand draw the proton streams so they look like the original.

Damn, how could I have possibly misquoted an episode of Spongebob?

Art thou having fun NOW, Mr. Krabs?

My favorite joke about that scene - during a particularly violent bit of 'passionate' sex thrashing:

Clever or self deprecating placement actually works for me in comedy.

"Hey reality, hows it hanging? Its been a while!"

I was disturbed in the first game when you die and then randomly it shows your dead body being lowered into the Sierra Labs and a new Larry robot taking your place at the beginning of the game.

"You mean that neglectful monster that I had to spend years of therapy to process my abandonment issues because of, THAT MOM MCDONALD'S?!"

I saw this in the theater, while my mom watch another movie in another theater, I was 7.

Of course the Animal Planet people get excited for Puppy Bowl… THEY'RE HUMAN BEINGS ON PLANET EARTH.

The shots themselves aren't the problem, that is a surface detail. Shot composition is one of many tools that enforce the central theme of a film.