
What the hell is a "film"? Is that one of those things I put on to get them to shut up for an hour? I need a shower.

Blame Canada was chosen by Parker and Stone because it was the only song in the film they could clean up enough to actually be performed.

Boo-yow Mr. Scott. Boo-yow!

I will be watching every Fast and Furious movie for the first time before seeing the new one. A franchise I have had no interest in has finally wore me down.

Terry Crews for Sunshine Superman! Hell, The Love Syndicate of Dreamworld is a concept I'd love to see expanded into a fully realized 'verse. For those not familiar, its the hippie plane of the DC Multiverse. It's popped up like twice in Grant Morison's work, and hopefully we will see a Multiversity comic based

Sony Pictures Entertainment is an American subsidiarity - formally Columbia Pictures.

Exactly, but a successful threat only begets more threats.

Nope, but an American company cowtowing to a dictator because they threatened violence IS a threat to our values and our security.

The Brits were super pissed on how Americanized it was. Not threatening to kill people or anything, but they were not happy.

It is when the only impetuous for not releasing it is a belligerent foreign power threatening violence.

Whatever is on the outdated system is still working at my parent's house - probably a Dreamcast - sooooo Crazy Taxi? Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, YEAH!

The difference between the phone hacking and the Sony job - both are theft of property, but only one is a violation of privacy. Here is a hint - corporations do not have privacy, they aren't people. No matter what the supreme court says.

This is especially important as we have entered an era when better technology isn't the delimiting factor on games anymore. I honestly can't tell much of a difference between the graphics on the PS4 or 3.

I always found it odd that with all the problems and strife he mentions in the song, its the rock-n-roller cola wars that finally pushed him over the edge.

Exactly who crossed my mind when I qualified it with "by many estimations":

Well, we just got our first official Inhuman on Agents of Shield, and the Celestials factored into Guardians of the Galaxy's plot.

If Ms. Marvel doesn't tie into the Captain Marvel movie… well she just HAS to right?

"Now the stage is bare, and I'm standing there… with emptiness all around"

Don't let Anderson Cooper find out! That's so not metal, he will have a conniption.

Such an A episode - the lunacy of the line dancing heart-to-heart might be the funniest thing I've ever seen ever. Ever.