
This movie taught me the color Puce. I honestly don't think you can come up with a more 80's color that's not day glo.

I know two things about Taylor Swift: She named her cat after L&O:SVU and she usually shops off the rack so her fans can dress like her without bankrupting themselves or their parents.

No, it forced Bond to grow past its outdated formula. HULK had it right when he said that every Bond is a reaction to the previous one, except that Casino Royal was more a response to Powers than Die Another Day.

Sorry, my hackles are up today - I've got my "brook no trifling fools" face on… makes internet sarcasm particularly hard to detect.

You mean that one right up there in that video? Good GOD! He's smiling! Call TMZ, this will not stand!

You know what… FUCK YOU ANDERSON COOPER. Its an appropriate response to an adult acting like a 12 year old child.

I will take this opportunity to say that the complete Puzzle Town was the best toy I ever owned. Easy.

I give a pass for an actor putting the best face on a movie - its part of the gig.

God, please no more "science". It was bad enough in the first film, are you really going to double down on… I hate to even call it technobabble because at least technobabble SOUNDS like it should make sense.

I actually have doubts that Mitchell could stop this if higher ups wanted this to happen. She doesn't have rights to a biography she didn't write. Outside of a defamation suit, she doesn't really have any recourse here.

Its not that I don't trust the scientists, I don't trust ANYONE'S word about anything - I always check methodologies, conclusions, data, etc as much as I reasonably can. You know, I actually LOOK at silly things like legends on charts and sources of information to figure out what is really being presented.

There is very little that is credible, logical or intellectually honest on either side of this debate. Which makes making a personal determination on it frustrating as hell.

Those jokes NEVER got old…

I worked at Dell in 1999, they had the foresight to download the trailer and mirror it on their own servers for their employees. Nothing got done that day.

80s: No graphics can match… The Imagination!

Improv classes and bringer shows - because venues have to pay rent and one's born every minute.

Stolen from a hacky comedian with a flamingo shaped guitar that I saw on Short Attention Span Theater 20 years ago:

MagnoliaFan thinks this is a terrible idea…

Most rickshaw drivers I know supplement their income by selling "something" to their customers… ifyaknowwhatimean.

Dude, how do you not make a Peter CATaldi pun?