
While they played Frisbee and Hacky Sack on the quad no doubt…

The ad for Scholl's "Protection" is ten minutes flying in and out of a shoe.

Crap, Hearthstone was my patch to get over Magic addiction. At least Hearthstone doesn't put me in the poorhouse. And Arena doesn't block out 3 hours of time where my family might or might not see me like a draft does.

"I believe the puppet on the left understand me, I believe the puppet on the right is more to my liking. THERE'S ONE GUY HOLDING BOTH PUPPETS!"

"Science is a liar, sometimes"
"Making Galileo and everyone who agreed with him… a bitch!"

Not a flame war - a troll and others who are trying to engage a troll in conversation. Mock her/him/it all you want, but don't actually try to convince a troll of anything or take them even slightly seriously - that's the only way they win.

I'm pretty sure they needed plumbers to build Hoover Dam, unless they managed to build a massive hydroelectric complex with no pipes.

Ha, ha, ha that soooo funny. Because you don't like something, so its not valid on any level. HAHAHAHA. That's sooooo clever. What is it like being soooo clever? Does it hurt? Like your brain or something? I mean, if it didn't then why isn't everyone as clever as you?

I always got this and "Just You and Me Kid" mixed up to the point where I thought there was a old man bank robing movie with Brooke Shields in it.

No Batman: The Brave and the Bold?!?!?! I'm not going to load up every page of this comments section, but I'll just add my disappointment to the many, many people who surely have pointed this out.

Fuddrucker's was at one time the best burger you could buy in most areas - particularly from a chain.

Finally, a reason to go into a Chili's!

I'm from Houston and I feel the same. They are an abomination to your city's greatest culinary export. They don't even have Cheese Wiz in the store!

Cracker Barrel is awesome.

Sligtly on-topic: Always HATED "We're saving our own lives" in We are the World. Not only is it WAY on the nose, but its also filters the whole affair down into a selfish viewpoint.

Lol, the "Live!" makes me think an executive greenlit a stage production of the film Glengarry Glen Ross without realizing it was a play.

Six years is a damn good run - Golden Girls only had 7. Good for TV Land and Viacom for making a show for old people who like swearing.

Look, I LOVE SJ as Black Widow - but her back story and skill set make her a perfect as a support character. She was weak in IM2, but in Avengers and Cap2 she's exceptionally utilized.

I'm 1000% sure that Harrison Ford does not give an ample fuck about who shot first - so there goes that theory.

For the longest time I thought this was the Wilhelm scream. I never knew it had a name as well.