Or stop making garbage comments altogether!
Uh, in-n-out isn’t garbage, making this news incredibly sad for me.
Men shouldn’t have sex if they’re not prepared to accept that the woman may get an abortion.
Seriously though can you imagine the collective scream from men if women genuinely took this advice? I would maybe have had sex once every three years, and now that I’m done having kids I guess my husband is done having sex! Forever! If men have a problem with it they can take it to Scott Lloyd.
She’s insanely funny, and she knows and loves the show, so she’s a perfect choice. That she’s a woman and a woman of color are bonuses.
I love her. She's always my fav guest on it and as soon as the news about Hardwick came out my first thought was I hope Yvette gets the job. She's so into it with her notebook and she's funny. I'm looking forward to watching her on a show that's gotten boring about a show that's gotten boring yet I still tune in. FML
I love her, not only is Yvette a kind person, but she is a super fan and she will do a fantastic job!!
You read what she wrote and don't think that is abuse? Shame on anyone who tries to invalidate victims of domestic abuse like this. I hope you never see it in your family.
I don’t care if she’s white or not. What she IS is THE consummate Walking Dead fanatic. A meticulous, scholar of the show and I can’t imagine anyone better for the gig.
So why do you chose to believe his version of events and not hers?
And she knows the show inside and out. She won’t be there just for stupid quips and jokes.
Haven’t you heard? ScarJo doesn’t care about the following: The West Bank occupation, Farrow Allen, white washing and trans people. That's a pretty big list.
it was not only a bomb, it was one of the biggest bombs of the year and the biggest bomb of ScarJo’s career. also who are these dumb fucks thinking its still 2009. Star vehicles are dead, its the IP that matters. No one went to see Wonder Woman because of Gal Gadot, they went to see Wonder Woman for fucking Diana…
This is such weird circular logic. “There aren’t enough famous LGBT/PoC actors to fill these roles, so we’ll just keep on giving all their roles to straight white cis actors!” How are any of them supposed to make it out of the D-list if no one will cast them in their own stories?
Plus most of these “controversial”…
So, that essentially creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. Productions won’t hire minority actors because pretty much all of them aren’t A-list. Minority actors can’t become A-list because A-list productions won’t hire them. Rinse and repeat.
Yeah,yeah,yeah but Ghost in the Shell bombed so while your argument might explain why this is sometimes done it doesn’t explain why Johansson and Sanders are being given more money to burn by miscasting a lead role...again.
Wow, that’s a Full Quiver!