
I really love everything about Tig, including what appears to be a cranky side that came out a little bit in this interview. She and Amy seem like they would not ever get along because Tig seems genuine and sincere and Amy is ridiculously sarcastic. They just seem like people who would NOT get along. And I think it’s

I may not ever laugh at anything so hard as I laughed at her Taylor Dane story.

Honestly, the Bernie supporters throwing these fits are the ones who don’t show up to vote (and probably didn’t show up to vote for Bernie). This is about not liking Clinton, not actually liking any of the people they say they like.

Of course Bernie supporters are now having a collective fit on Elizabeth Warren’s Facebook page and hurling all kinds of abuse at her. These are the same people who said they would gladly vote for her if she were running for president. Luckily Warren is tough and has a thick skin, and likely expected this, especially

I agree with you, I’m glad that social justice has been swift and unkind to him and his family/supporters. But as we have learned, our country as a whole has very short attention spans. This will all be yesterday’s news in a month or so. He needs and damn well deserves a lengthy prison sentence.

Hilarious. What do these folks THINK she’s going to do? She’s a Democrat. This is politics. If Bernie had gotten the nom, she would have enthusiastically endorsed him. She probably likes Bernie better than she likes Hillary, honestly, and she’ll probably work closely with him to help the Dems adopt more-progressive

I’m a big time Bernie fan (maybe more of the ideals than the candidate... I like Bernie but more would like to some some of his platform worked into our reality)

I want her to choose Judge Curiel as her running mate. And if not, her first Supreme Court pick.

My therapist told me to stop reading shit like this because it’s causing me so much anxiety but I can’t. Look. Away.

Oh for cryin’ out loud. What do they want, Trump?!?

The level of vitriol already being thrown at her on Twitter by people in the Sanders camp calling her a traitor, immoral, corrupt, etc. is beyond. They really don’t give a shit. They’re treating this election like it’s a fucking football game.

I so loved Frog and Toad. My favorites too.

With that bottomless box of cookies!

I remember my kindergarten teacher would read these books to us! I remember one story about “will power".

How did I forget about Bend it like Beckham?!!

Wow. I didn’t even catch this gem the first time around this morning:

I am personally offended by this guy because Keira Knightley is my Imaginary BFF, and how dare he insult her? All those feelings you people have about Jennifer Lawrence? I have them for Keira Knightley instead.

....how would you react to a grown adult babbling about how Santa Claus was coming in 6 months so they had to behave this summer?

It’s not like she was the only one traumatized, though. The other gorillas in the enclosure? The zookeepers who made the decision and pulled the trigger? All the witnesses to the incident? That’s what bugs me about the quoted statement. God saved her child, but you know, to hell with everyone else involved in this

I have no problem with her thanking God, but her kid cost a rare and beautiful animal his life, and you see zero mention of that, zero remorse. Just a whole lot of “Kids are kids!”