
So the good guys with guns (the FBI) weren't able to stop this bad guy with a gun....

The NRA is big business, and they make a lot of money from fear. They’re in bed with Republicans, who make a lot of votes from that same fear. In my state there are a lot of people that vote against their own self-interests every election cycle based solely on this issue. When articles like this pop up, these same

But see if he didn’t buy it legally he totally would have bought it some where else, therefore no gun laws in this country! Because if we cant’ stop all crimes, we should stop no crimes.

Agreed. And that pic above with the two officers standing behind him...I’m not saying he’s a cannibal, but he’s giving off some seriously creepy Hannibal Lecter vibes.

The NRA will use this to say background checks are ineffective and don't matter. What should really happen is the background check system needs to be made stronger, and more reliable.

HEY THAT’S ME! I MADE THAT! True life, I cried a little bit when I got it in the mail, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen my father look at me with such pride.

“This is a lesson they’ve been taught since birth. Minority and female students though have been taught a different lesson; that they should be proud of their race and proud of their gender.”

Can I respectfully disagree with your point? Women are deemed a minority- when in fact population wise we have a slight majority. Minority doesn’t only refer to the amount of people, but can also refer to the amount of social power they hold. In most of the world when it comes to POC and women we do qualify as


I get it now. This whole situation has left me sore and chafed

Gawdammit I quit.

Look, I know that KY is renowned for Peanut Butter, but you guys also make a pretty useful Jelly.

I think he was making a pun between the KY standing for Kentucky, and the KY Jelly lubricant. I don't think that reflexive KY bashing so much as reflexive KY punning. It reminds me of the girl I saw sporting the KY-GIRL license plate. I was confused, was she advertising for lubricant, proud of vaginal dryness, letting

Here’s the thing: if you’re so Christian that you simply can’t do your job that requires issuing gay marriage licenses/ distributing the morning after pill/ etc. . . quit your job. Find a job that isn’t in conflict with your archaic belief system.

Huh, you don’t usually see KY preventing gay couples from coming together.

Right? I am about a dude with a little bit of girth. Wait, that didn’t sound right....

Legend’s Bum > Bieber’s Pasty Ass

Does it count if you go sit in front of a nearby body of water with a 6-pack and chill together? Because I plan to moon it up like that. $7.99 + gas.

So...we’re away from home (day trip or overnighter), decide to get something to eat where we’re not familiar with the local restaurants...what do you suggest we do? What is better than and as accessible as online reviews?