And you don’t even have to look at her to figure that out...just look at the boob she married.
When my daughter was in third grade her teacher took off a semester. (She was on bed rest.) The district hired a young man, just graduated at semester but had been a student teacher in that same classroom. A few weeks later my dryer died and I had to take everything to the laundromat. While there I saw him doing his…
According to the collective geniuses on their FB page, this is all Oprah’s fault, because she is a racist. I could not make that up if I tried.
I think it has a lot to do with how the two have handled their respective situations. Dunham wrote about it in her own book, Duggars went to a child-porn-loving cop and have tried to cover it up.
Yeah this, and I think a lot of it is they were expecting everyone to be Mike Huckabee about the situation. Like they expected everyone to forgive him and let it go and treat it like a youthful indiscretion. They really seem to think that he's the victim in all this, and not his 5 sisters.
Controversial opinion: all people who molest are inherently punchable.
Who wants to get a class action suit together against TLC for foisting the Duggars on the unsuspecting public? I’m sure an enterprising lawyer could come up with something and I could use a check for 37 cents.
Man, I have seen this guy’s picture so many times in the last few days! He always seems so smug with a self-satisfied smirk. I really wanna punch him.
Oh you bet Polish. I would like to see Jaden and Willow Smith as part of that group of fucking morons as well.
My principal was, fortunately, very cool, so we just laughed about it, but the parent was AGHAST that her child saw a box of Tampax and a sixer of Guinness in my cart. This is the same parent who wouldn’t let their (awesome) kid play basketball because their family served Jesus. I had no idea Jesus was against…
my child wore nothing but overalls until he was like 5 for that very reason
I never used one. You are over thinking this though. I did put my kids in overalls as toddlers and that’s practically the same thing. You can hold onto them by the straps or catch them by grabbing the straps.
White Christian youth. Otherwise throw the book at them.
About 4 years ago my family and I went to Colonial Williamsburg for vacation. While we were figuring out what we were gong to do, we saw a bus and 2 vans pull into the parking lot. It was the Duggars and their TLC film crew. While we were tooling around one of the shops, one of the little girls wandered away from her…
I desperately, desperately, want someone to give these fools a taste of their own medicine: “he was 14, but victims say he was large, hulking... he looked like a demon, really. He could easily be mistaken for a full-grown man.”
Or Beyonce. She’s a menace with her fancy dressing & sexy dancing.
I'm one of those people- I grew up in conservative Baptist churches in the south in the Bible Belt and my father is a very conservative Republican. However, I, unlike the Dugger children, also went to public school, had unrestricted access to the internet, read pretty much anything and everything I wanted, and watched…