It’s not a silly question. He’s deliberately asking a question he knows the answer to because he wants to see if Spencer will answer it truthfully. And, of course, he didn’t, which itself says something.
It’s not a silly question. He’s deliberately asking a question he knows the answer to because he wants to see if Spencer will answer it truthfully. And, of course, he didn’t, which itself says something.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s being more cagey this time around because he got slapped on the hands by the lawyers after his candidness in November.
IASIP has a meme/scene for everything. Love this usage.
What an insipid way to say that class and corporate solidarity mean more to them than advocating for human rights in their industry.
Let me just translate this from corporate speak to English:
It doesn’t help that there are a million zombie games out there, and far fewer good samurai games. Also, Days Gone suffered from a drab, uninteresting brown and grey world, and GoT was more visually interesting in every respect.
They sold comparably, but Ghost of Tsushima was just a better game.
The problem with multiplayer games is that you have to play them with other people.
BHVR is not known for being a sensible studio. They’d much rather sweep problems under the rug than actually fix them.
Any chance on them doing anything about the problematic behaviors which were used to signify someone was using the mask to be hateful?
Another fucking company I can avoid when they make NFTs.
Like, is it me, or are NFTs just another fucking pyramid scheme?
Maybe it’s just me, but I read “play to have fun” as “PlAy To HaVe FuN.” It’s nice to know what the heads of these companies think of the people who keep them swimming in cash.
Fuck off.
Okay so Star Wars is a massive universe that spans thousands of years and has so much canon to draw from…do these game devs just hire the same consulting firm to come in and say “Nah, unless you got connections to Skywalker or the original 3 movies, and cameos from original fan favorite characters, this shit isn’t…
I wish somebody asked the lead developers if they had played the game and the previous ones? But I doubt we would get a straight answer to why basic things are missing and the abundance of bugs, which is harder to excuse when you got a stable architecture with a console, they would probably weasel out like politicians…
LMAO those clowns really did put the only two women on the board in this random completely meaningless comitee thinking it would make em look good. Amazing, you cant make this shit up
It’s mind blowing to me that nobody who formed this committee thought to include the employees—the victims of the workplace harassment and assault that brought this issue to light—to be included. You’d think they would avoid exclusively reporting to and from the same upper management that allowed this in the first…
What a sad, terrible, but totally deserved end of an era. Well, it’s not like the days of Activision actually consistently releasing fun games weren’t long gone at this point.
Boy it sure feels like if all three companies de-listed Activision titles they could produce some results real fucking fast.