
What!? how can you exclusively use the word “black” only to refer to african americans?

That is very american centric as the OP said.

All those other characters aren’t black because “black” is only for african americans, what the?

Please dont compare this to Second Life, what you can create and achieve there, despite what many people think or say is beyond this.

And the users drive the content creation within the platform, which makes a big difference.

I like it, yeah its a “horde mode” style game with the usual tropes of defending points from endless waves of enemies for a few minutes then proceeding to move on to a next objective marker, rinse and repeat.

Is it perfect? no

Is it enjoyable? yes

I knew what I was getting into when I saw it, I had no expectations of


Umm, what?

What do you think GI Joe and Avengers represent?

For virtual sex? some do, most don’t.

But Second Life is WAY more than this, its just a shame that most outlets report only on this subject and not on so many others that usually carry a more positive outlook of what SL is and offers.

Why should anyone care at this point?

I mean, I understand they want to not lose all the work they put into the game and build it as a franchise (if it can even manage to be that), but honestly it all seems like a waste.

There is zero interest in the game, Twitch streams are normally at 100 viewers or even less than

We all know those lootboxes and other shitty microtransaction practices will show up at some point once the reviews are out and people have bought into this facade triple A garbage.

Its annoying and unnecessary, mainly because the grind is just a way to keep you playing longer.

Some of the reputation requirements should be lowered down to Honored or Friendly at least, requiring you to become Revered is a terrible way to make people get bored halfway through.

The only Allied races I haven’t unlocked

I think people fighting in social media will materialize to real fighting at some point and we kind of have seen that in the last few years.

There is a lot of division and tribalism, this is why the mass shooters have had manifiestos that directly talk about “the great replacement” or some other ideologies that

Jim Sterling made an in-depth video about how scummy Ubisoft is about all of this.

I don’t understand why review outlets like Kotaku or Polygon don’t bring these developers to task and question them about this.

Unless of course, this is part of some deal so they can get review copies and access to events/etc.

People have this idea that a civil war is a big line of fighting armies against another, but its not.

A civil war could start by the assassination of specific people who are for or against someone. You could have civilians enacting guerilla tactics to assist one group or person too.

Bomb threats, mass shootings, etc.


Latin America encompasses more than just Mexico.

Im from Costa Rica and now live in Panama, I grew up with Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter and KoF was nothing I really familiarize myself with at all.

Maybe these kinds of articles could be a bit more broad, Mexico doesn’t really speaks for all of us.

Do the US deserve 9/11? no

Do the rest of the world deserve US imperialism and hostile foreign policy? no

Do Americans live in a bubble in which their actions wont have reactions from others? yes

Hassan didn’t say anything controversial or factually wrong. Decades of overly hostile and aggressive foreign policy is what

This game is brought to you by the American Military Industrial Complex

It is still very popular, just because you don’t hear of it as much or some popular kid is streaming it doesn’t mean its not.

While its prime has long passed, it still has enough people to support it and it is to this day the largest user created virtual world, nothing has come close to it in size, tools and creativity.

The original RDR’s online multiplayer was fantastic, it was fresh to get an open world game where you you had open, natural spaces and in a different time period where it wasn’t focused just on gangs, cars and machine guns.

Why I care about RDO is because of something similar and the fact that I can play the character

Yeah, the western setting of RDR really limits the kind of content they can add to the game. No cars, motorcycles, planes, choppers, etc”

What? you mean to tell me there weren’t any motorcycles, planes, choppers and cars in a game about the wild west? wow you learn something new every day I suppose...

And here I was