Now playing

Good, good.

It was time the franchise was put on ice for a while, last AC I bought was Liberation which was good and I liked Aveline, but you could see the foundations of the series were starting to run thin.

The franchise will resurface again no doubt, but honestly I don’t feel like it should, maybe they should just

Wow.....so whats the reason to own an Xbox One? Halo? pfff that franchise is dead in the water anyways, even Titanfall 2 won’t be exclusive now.

As a consumer, you’re seeing less and less of a reason to even consider buying this console.

Its true there aren’t that many compelling black characters in video games but the same could be said for other ethnicity, nationalities, ages and genders.

I love making black female characters in games with a character creation option.

Well I got it with the PS4 bundle (white console) and while I knew what to expect (sort of) I just felt the base game was not complete.

Certainly I didn’t expect years worth of content, but at the same time I thought I would get something a bit lengthier. I felt like the launch content was only there to last until the

I was hoping for something along the lines of World of WarCraft.

I liked Destiny for the first few months I played, but then there was nothing left to do and when the first 2 DLCs came out I just wasn’t interested anymore.

The launch game felt pretty light on content.

So people have to basically fork out $60 for Destiny 2? instead of this being a platform like it was supposed to be with the whole 10 year plan?

I don’t, played it at launch and a few months after but I haven’t played in over a year.

So this is what Destiny has become? a bunch of random poses to buy based on pop culture videos or memes?

Wheres the “real” content Bungie?

How can you put Master Chief in there over Samus Aran, just no.

This team has fail written all over.

No Slimer? :(

Ranked By Region?

Where is...

The rest of North America, Central America, South America, Africa, Middle East, the rest of Asia, Oceania?

I guess these regions dont buy video games or something...

All the professions in WoW are horrible, you can get better equipment out of quests than wasting time gathering materials and building the damn things.

Like a level 5 Copper Axe takes like 20 Copper Bars, 1 Tigerseye, 4 Leather and 4 Rough Stone or something.

They should lower the materials required or rework the

DC cartoon series and movies have always been fantastic, I have to get into the JL stuff more so I can prepare for the movie next year.

Some of this Japanese stuff scares the crap out of me, like the fascination with gore and weird fetishes.

No, but now that you mentioned it I did, what difference does that make? my first comment still stands.

So this would have been one of those “strategy light” city building games for mobile devices?

Good, we didn’t need another one.

Whooopdeee dooo new costumes for characters you only play as in select modes as well as requiring to pickup an item to actually have a chance to play as them, nice going idiots!

How about adding more costumes to regular soldier for Rebels and Empire?

Also, they seriously need to fix Hero Hunt, its the most retarded

Yup!! plus each team had a good balance of male and female characters as well as being gender swapped for the opposing team. Its a shame ORC wasn’t liked very much and it did have a bunch of technical issues, but I enjoyed it and I liked the classes.

Incoming angry feminists complaining about something something something about Linkle.

On another note, she reminds me a bit of the Diablo 3 demon hunters.