Red Dawn...please...
Red Dawn...please...
While not perfect, RE: Operation Raccoon City was a game I actually liked and it did exactly what this game is trying to do, pit two opposing teams in maps infested with zombies and other monsters, its the same idea.
Im not sure why they are doing this again if the previous try didn’t fare so well, in fact, this just…
The original RE games had gameplay that was based on point and click adventure games, which used static cameras and certain controls that didn’t allow free movement. While some people complain about this, it actually immersed you in the game better and built tension.
The camera angles allowed the player to feel like an…
“It’s worth noting that Fire Emblem Fates will have same-sex romance/marriage options. Thing is, the game is launching with multiple versions—Birthright and Conquest—and you’ll only be able to get male/male romance in one version and female/female in the other. What fun.”
I understand your point completely, I just feel like there is so much potential out there to tell stories using other cultures, locations and events, but everything in the entertainment medium seems to gravitate around the US only.
I do like the concept of a US invasion by a foreign force, because of the politics and…
Mechs are a great idea for fiction, but in reality they are not practical for combat, once you take out their mobility (their legs) they are useless.
The same could be said for any other vehicle, they all have a weak spot, however the engineering, technical and financial requirements of a mech just don’t compare to a…
Why is it always the US? can’t people be more original for once? there are litterally so many countries and places to choose from but its always the US for everything.
Movies, games, books, everything that has to do with some kind of war, terrorist attack, alien invasion or natural disaster only happens in the US.
So hes transgender?
No! Thats a terrible idea, this franchise has gone downhill since RE4.
Yeah? whats wrong?
I never finished this one either, I think I got past the train and into the second mansion or something and just never got further.
I like Rebecca but just didnt care to finish it, in fact, I sold my GC copy like a year later along Mario Sunshine and SW Clone Wars.
Im loving the androgynous look for most of these characters :)
Some are obviously male/female but others its more difficult to figure out, which is nice.
If this doesn’t have local (or online) multiplayer then forget about it.
TMNT games have been coop since the NES/Arcade days.
Force Awakens over Return of the Jedi? fuck no!
TFA is above the prequels but NEVER above the original trilogy.
Regardless of the Konami debacle, the online for this is a lot of fun but after a month taking a break it seems like its empty now, barely any players in matches.
Theyve added some new stuff and made leveling up faster, but the limited mode and map selection is hurting the game.
Looks ok, I wonder if there will be multiplayer like the previous one which had a more “current” look to it, this one seems a bit more futuristic, not even near future.
He is pretty obscure to me, besides a few instances where Ive seen his face I know nothing about the character.
I remember giving this a try, I wanted to like it but it felt buggy and the combat was a mess, I spent a few hours playing around but ultimately I just didnt think it was worth the time.
Would love to see a non-mmo RPG with the ability to create superheroes for sure or some kind of action game you can play with friends.