
Interesting article, feels more like a sale’s pitch however but I already went with the PS4 last year and I don’t buy more than one console per generation.

The 360 was a fantastic console, but I don’t want to buy a new console just to replay my old games, I can just use the old console to play them if I wanted to.


Hope you’re not disappointed :)

Oh gee, guess we better start banning this “ISIS” too huh, way to pander to fear guys...

Despite “noble” intentions, Sarkeesian doesn’t deserve more attention than what she has gotten in the past.

Which is good, Im sick of hearing about her, seems like media frenzy about her has since wined down.

Women are the only victims of online harassment.


Sorry but thats arbitrary, I now raid on WoW through the game’s raid matchmaking, I go in, perform my role, most people do theirs too, I get what I need and get out.

Why do you say random matchmaking is a bad idea or experience based on what exactly?

Im happy with my PS4, I don’t game as much as I used to in my college years with the 360, I like to play a few hours a day (or none at all).

I don’t mind if the exclusives aren’t as good or numerous, I like the PS4 as a whole, the controller, the menu’s and interface, the PS+ feels better than XBL.

All in all, Im quite

Yeah Im with you, the Wi-Fi on the PS4 is terrible, even in near proximity it sometimes disconnects or isn’t up to its highest connection.

Compared to other devices like my computer or cellphone, the PS4’s Wi-Fi needs to be improved, badly.

Sure buddy, a joke, yeah ok...

10,000 BC is highly innacurate and nowhere close to “real”.

Mammoths didn’t help build the egyptian pyramids LOL!

Why should you be tasked to going outside the game, signing up on a website and having to be invited to a group just to do a game’s content?

Seriously, this is one of the craziest things I have heard and I can’t believe people think this is ok. No its not, it has never been ok, considering Destiny was already a very

Thats bullshit. If people were allowed to do raids with randoms they could still coordinate with voice chat.

Its ridiculous to think that you need to go through the whole process of joining a website/forum and getting invited just to raid.

That was fine in a game like WoW 10 years ago, but its just a slow and grueling

This looks nothing like Overwatch.

Either way, Blizzard steals from other people too, so its not like they are the most creative or original company out there.

Oooooohhhh boy! I love how developers are jumping on the MOBA bandwagon, just like everyone was jumping on the FPS bandwagon a few years ago!

Its like everyone is trying to compete and become the next “big thing” in the genre.

This is hilarious.

Don’t, Id say wait until at least it drops to $40.

Although it looks like a 2 handed sword, it is actually 1 handed, released during WOTLK, its one of the biggest 1 handers around and I love how it looks.

This looks pretty nice, Im digging the music :)

Yes I know, but that isn’t the game’s selling point, the game is primarely PvP.

All the advertisement sells the game as an asymmetrical 5v5 tactical shooter.

I think 3 or 4

Yeah the beta felt very repetitive, I enjoyed it somewhat but overall didnt convince me into paying full price for this.

The game feels like it should be $30 or 40 at the least.