
I tried the beta this weekend, I have mixed feelings.

On one hand, the game is great because it focuses more on team work and tactics, but on the other hand you will find very few people who do just that and in an online only game if you have a shitty community the game will not be fun, meaning it won’t last very long.


There are some cheap weapons in the game, luckily once you know what they do or how to use/avoid them its ok.

Thats the lore excuse, not letting draenei be warlocks because of the eredar even though 4 other alliance races have warlocks.

Draenei Warlocks NEED to happen, the lore excuse is ridiculous.

Ive been wanting one too to be honest :)

PLEASE let me have Night Elf Shaman PLEASE!!!!!

Oh and Draenei Druids would be awesome too :D

This is awesome though!

Halo CE’s impact is over valued, Goldeneye introduced more FPS elements to consoles first in fact.

And Titanfall introduced parkour? hah, you’ve never heard of Brink, have you? It did it first, 3 years prior.

Halo as a whole isn’t a bad game, I never said that, however its impact and its value as a franchise is, over

Looks like a reject Cabbage Patch Kids from the 80s :D

I think I know the problem here and its pretty clear, Halo wasn’t that great to begin with it never has and never will.

Well finally! thats good news at least, would have been nice to see different color variations of moonkins depending on the hairstyle you use (like cats and bears).

Pretty underwhelming when you have something like Batman v Superman 2 months earlier.

The context behind the story just seems much more powerful than this.

Will there be different forms for Moonkin form? Thats the only kind of druid I like to play, Balance druid.

Yeah Destiny was lacking in content for sure, I actually havent touched it in over a year and Im not going back to it anytime soon. Just lost my interest and in order to progress Id have to re-purchase the game, so thats not going to happen.

It would help to have more body choices as well as hats/helmets.

Yeah it certainly does, the level 30 upwards unlocks are minor, the game had so much potential to let us fully customize our character but I just don’t get it why they didn’t.

Destiny is an entirely different kind of game, I have no clue why you would even make that comparison.

The game needs more than just maps, it needs more skins, more costumes, something more to add to the gameplay.

Clan support AND voice chat (nice job EA, you idiots) is something the game desperately needs and for some reason lacks.

Im quite happy with the game so far, but it won’t surive long enough if we are just

The Bowcaster (Chewi’s weapon) is available, but not as a regular weapon, rather a 1 time use weapon with a cooldown.

Its strange that we only see land vehicles for the Imperials but none for the Rebels, I guess this is mainly because in the first 3 films, the Rebels mostly were shown with space and air vehicles.


Yeah Ive noticed, a lot of people seem to be using it now because they found it how powerful it is.

CoD with a Star Wars skin? uhhh, no, unless you are referring to Star Wars First Assault, the ill fated game which was basically CoD SW.

The Han Solo blaster is such an unbalanced weapon right now and people who unlocked it at day 1 have a big upper hand against people who don’t, it needs some tunning really.