
Everytime A.V. Club changed the smallest thing, everyone was all Chicken Little, with predictions of doom and destruction. But damned if they weren’t right - Kinja has made one of my favorite sites into a ghost town, and while I still check in a couple times a day, I’ve noticed I spend less and less time here.

What about the woman who won for directing the pilot of The Handmaid’s Tale. I don’t recall a woman ever winning that category, let alone a black woman. Lots of cool firsties tonight.

He called her a liar and she responded with a lot of detail about the encounter to back up her statement. It’s convincing stuff and a strong rebuttal. Plus, she’s not a cokehead. She gets my vote, for whatever it’s worth.

Hilary Clinton was not more qualified than Joe Biden and certainly less likable. The centrist, neo liberal, blue dog, wing of the Democratic Party, which Clinton is part of, has run the party for the last 25 years and should be held responsible for its success and failure.

All the goddamn time, because his supporters are committed to ideology and policy (as opposed to the “#I’mWithHer” nonsense).

Hurricanes, Trump, police shootings, health care, tax reform, and countless other important issues but thank goodness we have Hillary Clinton sucking up lots of airtime so she can sell her book of grievances for personal profit. What a perfect cap for her career as she goes out trying to squeeze every single dollar

She didn’t “get it.” People were suffering in the midwest... she ignored them, because she thought she had the election all sewn up and she didn’t need them. They responded to her arrogance by handing her a devastating loss. Even Michigan, a reliable Democratic stronghold, went with Trump instead.

Looking forward to the spin-off series featuring Jonah Ryan as the new
President of The United States. Possible titles include:

I would agree that applies to the latest season, but I thought S5 held up compared to what came before.

Agreed. imo the season’s highlight for me was “Georgia” for the following reasons:
- the b-roll of Mike eating from trays left outside the hotel rooms
- Tourist Cap
- “Did I tell you my son tried to kill himself and now he is not speaking to me?” and any/all other Minna lines

I definitely gravitated to her for her relative otherness, too. I'm Asian from the Bay Area, so I liked Kristina Yamaguchi well enough, but I identified more with Tonya's working-class background, her athleticism and her awkwardness. I liked seeing someone who wasn't that tiny, perfect princess that everyone else

This is really cool. We're about the same age, and I'm also a black female that attended predominantly white schools; our district also had its fair share of upper-middle class kids. You're spot on when you say that you couldn't articulate the shift that occurred inside of you at the time; looking back on these events

Not at all unlike what happens to Olympic gymnasts.

Kerrigan is no princess. She was a spoiled brat & a bully. She consistently overran her ice time or attempted to start hers early because she was Nancy Kerrigan, peasant, and no other skater could compare. She might've come off as America's Sweetheart but the skater community in MA at the time knew the real story.

YES. Yamaguchi or GTFO.

Tonya got me from the first time I saw her because she was out there with asthma, which takes an extra amount of fight, and because she was lower class. I was just learning to deal with asthma, and my heart twisted every time she hit her inhaler. Listening to the announcers sneer about her background and her lack of

I liked her back then (I was 8-10ish) and I sort of "get" her now. But, what's most interesting to me is that as an adult, I figured out what made me like her back then. I really, really hated Nancy and the reason was because she was heralded as "perfect, ideal and just better" than Tonya. But as a black girl in a

I was 8 when this happened and remember hating them both. Tonya was trailer trash and Nancy was a bitchy priss. It's lose-lose. Kristi Yamaguchi forever and ever, amen.

The thing that bugged me back then, and still bugs me today about this story is that NEITHER of these skaters were EVER favored to win the gold at the Olympics. Neither was the best jumper, spinner, or artistic, yet somehow the US media made it all about these two, and then the US media was shocked when Oksana walked

She certainly didn't come across as likable, but I came away from the doc with an increased sympathy for her.