
No, “didn’t vote” won the country in a landslide. Clinton and Trump were each about 25%, 50% didn’t vote and keep asking themselves why we can’t get better candidates. It occurs to me that if all the “common sense” types that are disgusted by the way things worked would get their heads out of their asses maybe the

Half of eligible voters didn’t vote at all. Roughly 25% elected Trump. You’re making a bad argument, and arguing with the wrong point.

But your first comment says portland. You’re changing your own subject to try to stick to your conclusion.

20 times as many citizens are killed by police as vice versa each year. Someone’s been reading too much propaganda.

and then he’ll take office and use the protests as an excuse to go full Putin. Not that we shouldn’t protest, but that’s how this ends.

Right, I actually don’t want the electors to change their votes, though I sort of also hope for it. I was just responding the point about her conceding. That’s just being polite and doesn’t actually carry much weight. I’m with you though, resigned to what’s coming and trying to figure out how best not only to get

I think saying “it will be used against” them is adding a degree of certainty we don’t have yet. But it could, and that’s horrifying.

And none of that actually matters. What matters is how the electors cast their votes in December. The concession is just playing nice, but not binding.

Really, what’s the big deal? We just elected a less intelligent Putin.

I assume he’ll have a heart attack before January.

They don’t give one solitary fuck about his term limits plan because he can’t make it happen without Congress. They’d have to term limit themselves, and they aren’t going to.

Congressional term limits will equal less getting done as you have no one that understands how shit works and more lobbying as you’re speeding up the revolving door. In combination, limits on what lines of work someone can go into after politics (i.e. lobbying) and term limits will also mean that anyone intelligent

Look at how well private prison stocks did on Nov 9. Look at who gave him money (hint, private prisons).

I think we need to be mindful of the fact that he’s praised how Saddam dealt with “terrorists” that were citizens of Iraq and that he’s also called BLM* terrorists. I’m bothered by what I believe will be unnecessarily bad policy decisions that he and the GOP leadership are almost sure to push through. But elections

It’s adverse impact discrimination. A policy that might be fine on its face, but when applied disproportionately disenfranchise minorities. Because voting is a fundamental right, this should be subject to strict constitutional scrutiny (which means it wouldn’t be found constitutional). Add in that the voter ID laws

I’ve been thinking about one thing, a lot. He is taking office as paranoid as Nixon was by the end. He’s starting out at Nixon in a job that cuts you off from the rest of the world. He’s going to go full DDL in There Will Be Blood.

President Pence will be worse.

And the CIA hand delivered a letter to Bush while he was chopping wood at his ranch that warned of attacks via hijacked planes by AQ. Bush told the CIA officer, consider your ass covered and went back to his ranching... That’s a much more proximate cause and equally irrelevant now.

I was worried about him refusing to leave office until I realized the stress of office, his advanced age and poor health habits will probably kill him and give us a generic, but still very scary, Republican President Pence.

In your self-solving scenario we end up with President Pence. Trump is at least a unpredictable, which might lead to something less than the most hostile administration to women’s and LGBT rights possible — Pence is predictably those things. It’s like Chris Rock’s old joke that the first black president would need a