meanwhile, in North Carolina, I drove behind some soccer mom with “AIRYNMOM” the other day and that’s just fine I guess.
meanwhile, in North Carolina, I drove behind some soccer mom with “AIRYNMOM” the other day and that’s just fine I guess.
I don’t think they ever charged Kobe either. Wasn’t that just a civil suit? Sorry to be a rape charges truther.
You’re right, but I think the point is that frontloading allows you to offload him to a cash poor team that needs to hit the floor for nothing. Think Datsyuk and Pronger on the Coyotes right now. The poor team doesn’t have to actually pay but they get credit for the salary. It seems arcane as fuck now that I spell…
I think you’re both actually right. The contact was probably incidental because Ellis seems a little surprised too. At the same time Brown can’t know that, he just got smoked, without the puck, and with a low cross-check in his back for good measure. And when he lands he’s tangled up with the guy that just fucked…
Considering Trump is a HOF WWE personality, I keep hoping that on Inauguration Day Obama’s music comes on and Trump nominates him to the Supreme Court. That’s exactly as likely as Trump getting elected seemed 2 years ago, so that’s my prediction.
Ha, that describes his finances too. He’s at times had negative net worth in the billions I bet.
Don’t forget what’s his name with the “legitimate rape” stuff... Akin or something like that. She joined his campaign AFTER that.
I subscribed to the Washington Post today purely because I trust Fahrenthold to actually keep digging on Trump. Doesn’t have to be WashPo, but just like the right wing buys guns when they lose elections we need to be supporting the press when a fascist gets elected.
Not sticking up for this site in particular. Just generally annoyed with how often people comment on articles that they wish weren’t published, considering clicks and comments are the goal of the articles. That’s pretty much internet-wide though.
I know this is pretty complicated, but if you don’t click the articles you don’t like, you won’t read those articles.
The Rove math you’re trying to use as a point here wasn’t even the polls, it was the actual voting on election night when Fox called it. I’m not sure what point you think you’re making, but Rove wasn’t running a polling aggregation site, it’s a terrible analogy, but go ahead, keep pushing it.
The first word in the fucking headline is “Trump” maybe you could learn what not to click on (and learn that if you do click, and you do comment, the ads sell for more so you’re incentivizing exactly what you think your comment is discouraging — you dumb bastard).
But Rove doesn’t have math to back that up, since Obama was heavily favored in the polls. Also the 2016 polls missed by less than the 2012 polls, just in an unfortunate direction. You’re looking for a physic, not a predictive election model. That’s fine, you need things kept simple, some of us would rather have…
This is just more GOP projecting. The Kochs did pay for ‘astroturfing’ to start the Tea Party and then it picked up steam, so guys like Sasse assume that that’s the only way you can get people behind their ideas. Most of Trump’s campaign was just projecting whatever was true about him on his opponents (she’s tired…
I think you might be racist against twins. At the very least it’s pretty lazy to not just look it up.
But if you don’t blame Clinton for Benghazi, despite the disturbing nature of 4 Americans dying there, what the fuck does it have to do with the election?
As a white, male lawyer with 2 kids (and a twitter account) I partially disprove your comment.
Sure four people died in Benghazi, but that was supposedly Obama’s fault when the GOP tried to capitalize on it in 2012 — when did it become something Hillary did?
It would be funny (also tragic) if they use the Russia stuff to impeach Trump and put Pence in charge. Politically I’d hate it, but for the long-term safety of the union, I think that’s probably better.
Don’t forget that Bannon is formerly of Goldman too.