
I don’t consider Trump racist or sexist because of his supporters. I consider him those things because of his own words. You’re making a fake distinction.

With Trump in the white house, we won’t need to threaten to default on the debt, he’ll do it as a matter of course.

It’s not that you’re racist if you vote for Trump so much as you’re condoning the racism he and some of his supporters were not afraid to articulate during the election. I don’t doubt most of his voters are not racist, but they had no problem throwing their hats in with the Klan and Stormfront in order to get

That’s true too (and the union vote in Ohio and Michigan went something like 50/50 so you’re definitely not wrong). But in NC the klan is out celebrating in full regalia today, so it’s a little from column a and a little from column b.

Can we cut some of the “this is how much we hate women” approach? White women largely voted for him too. He lost college educated white women by 6%, but non-college educated I believe he won by 30% or so. This is about white people throwing a temper tantrum.

Blame likely voter screens as much as people lying to pollsters. Even internal RNC polling had them losing by 30 electoral votes. White rural turnout was a lot higher than anyone expected. Even then, Clinton looks to have won the popular vote, so the polling wasn’t that far off (the average was something like a 3%

My kids are pretty good at hockey too, so we might be onto something. I’ll talk to the wife.

Can you marry me and my wife? I’d like to bring her and the kids with.

This is the overreaction to him being too effective. It scared rural, white people that usually didn’t vote into turning out in record numbers. Trump only won the white vote. The only way you can blame Obama for that is to acknowledge why it was so easy for Trump to win the white vote.

Wouldn’t it be funny if the answer was that they get people Pepsi?

I really believe it depends on what his campaign staff does. If he’s kicking and screaming but Kellyanne and others are out insisting nothing was rigged and he’s a big man baby, I think it will die down pretty quickly. Since the rest of those hacks want to work in politics again, there’s a chance that’s what they’ll

Most candidates seem to plan their arrival at the polls a little better so they don’t just cut the line. They do functionally the same thing, but are professional enough that they typically avoid the bad look of actually cutting the line.

I don’t think the hit was intentionally dirty, but if the NFL’s VP of officiating tweeted, almost instantly, that that should have been a 15 yard penalty and the kicker should have been allowed to stay in the game. I tend to defer to his judgment rather than yours here.

I’m a Bills fan, and that whole scene was a fucking joke, but I don’t buy that that hit was intent to injure anywhere near as much as he was trying to get one hand down to the ball and to turn his body sidewise in case the kick got off first. I wouldn’t even doubt that he didn’t hear a whistle (if there even was one)

At least your Gov kept a real close eye on that Jade Helm thing. That seems like a good use of resources (by the way, what the fuck was his plan if the US military did decide to take Texas, again?)

I agree with you across the board. The media’s framing of Trump as winning the “working class” vote drives me insane. It’s only the white subset of the working class, to the extent that’s even what he’s winning. His median voter’s income is roughly 50% higher than the median US income. I’m in NC, but by way of

Which one is the only one you count?

Is “disenfranchising” an oddly on topic autocorrect? Not trying to nitpick, but it seemed like you meant disenchanting and I am just nerdy enough to find that all funny if true.

Is your point just that they are both dirty players? If a no name takes a run at Markus Naslund, he doesn’t get to pick who he fights. I’m glad the game has largely moved past that caveman shit, but that was definitely still the way it worked in 2004.

I hope he got Belichick to autograph a blank piece of paper and then just wrote that shit on it. That would be my favorite Trump lie yet.